DP Mathematical Studies Questionbank

[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.1.sl.TZ1.4b: Using the equation of the regression line, estimate the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the...
- 18M.1.sl.TZ1.4a.ii: For these data, find the equation of the regression line y on x.
- 18M.1.sl.TZ1.4a.i: For these data, find Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, r.
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5c: By placing a tick (✔) in the correct box, determine which of the following statements is true:
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5a: Find the mean number of hours that the people surveyed watch television per week.
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5b: Draw the regression line on the scatter diagram.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Write down the value of \(r\), the Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, for these data.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1b: (i) \({\bar x}\), the mean number of hours spent on social media; (ii) \({\bar y}\), the...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3h: Use the equation of the regression line to estimate the least number of folders that the factory...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3g: Draw the regression line \(C\) on \(x\) on the scatter diagram.
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3f: Use your graphic display calculator to find the equation of the regression line \(C\) on \(x\).
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3e: State a reason why the regression line \(C\) on \(x\) is appropriate to model the relationship...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3d: Use your graphic display calculator to find the Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient,...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3c: Label the point \({\text{M}}(\bar x,{\text{ }}\bar C)\) on the scatter diagram.
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3b.ii: Write down, for this set of data the mean production cost, \(\bar C\).
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3b.i: Write down, for this set of data the mean number of folders produced, \(\bar x\);
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3a: Draw a scatter diagram for this data. Use a scale of 2 cm for 5000 folders on the horizontal axis...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: State whether it is valid to use the regression line to estimate the average weight of the brain...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: Find the percentage error in your estimate in part (d).
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1d: Use your regression line to estimate the average weight of the brain of grey wolves.
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1c: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\), in the form \(y = mx + c\).
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1b.ii: For the data from these seven species describe the correlation between the average body weight...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1b.i: For the data from these seven species calculate \(r\), the Pearson’s product–moment correlation...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ1.1a: Find the range of the average body weights for these seven species of mammal.
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.1d: Ernesto’s school is located \(14\,{\text{km}}\) from the power plant. He uses the equation of...
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.1c: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) .
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.1b: Calculate i) \({\bar x}\) , the mean distance from the power plant; ii) \({\bar y}\) ,...
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.1a: For an ecological study, Ernesto measured the average concentration \((y)\) of the fine...
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1h: Write down a reason why this estimate is not reliable.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1g: Use the given equation of the regression line to estimate the number of IB Diploma points that...
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: Draw the regression line, from part (e), on your scatter diagram.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for these eight male students.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1c: Plot the point \((\bar x,{\text{ }}\bar y)\) on your scatter diagram and label this point M.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1a: On graph paper, draw a scatter diagram for these data. Use a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 hours...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: Write down the equation of the regression line y on x for the above data.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: Draw the regression line y on x on your scatter diagram.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.1g: Estimate the number of plant species growing 30 metres from the lake shore.
- 11N.1.sl.TZ0.4b: Write down the equation of the regression line, \(y\) on \(x\) , for the examination scores of...
- 11N.1.sl.TZ0.4c: A sixth candidate scored 72 in the Mathematics examination. Use the regression line, \(y\) on...
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.1c: Write down the equation of the regression line of y on x.
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Another golfer scored 70 in Round 1. Calculate an estimate of his score in Round 2.
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Another golfer scored 89 in Round 1. Determine whether you can use the equation of the...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.11a: Use your graphic display calculator to write down the equation of the regression line for y on x...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.11b: Use your equation to estimate the number of calories that a person will burn during a 17 minute...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.11c: State whether your answer to part (b) is reliable. Give a reason for your answer.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2e: Using your graph, estimate the time when Alex and Kris pass the 85 km distance marker. Give your...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2f: Write down the equation of the regression line for the data given.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2g.i: Using your equation calculate the distance marker passed by the cyclists at 10.3 hours.
- 12M.1.sl.TZ2.3c: Use your line of best fit to estimate the value of y when x = 6.5.
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, c: Write down the equation of the regression line of y on x.
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, d: If the number of trees in an area is 55, estimate the depth of snow.
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, e, i: Use the equation of the regression line to estimate the depth of snow in an area with 100 trees.
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: The equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) is \(y = - 0.470x + 83.7\) . Draw the...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: The equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) is \(y = - 0.470x + 83.7\) . Estimate the heat...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.1g: The equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) is \(y = - 0.470x + 83.7\) . State, with a...
- 09M.1.sl.TZ2.6a: Write down the equation of the regression line for s on t.
- 09M.1.sl.TZ2.6b: Use your equation to predict the ice cream sales on a day when the maximum temperature is 24 °C....
- 13M.2.sl.TZ1.3g: George decides to model the change in temperature of the coffee with a linear function using...
- 13M.2.sl.TZ1.3h: Use the equation of the regression line to estimate the temperature of the coffee at t = 3.
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.d: Use your graphic display calculator to find the equation of the regression line of \(F\) on \(S\)...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.e: Draw the regression line on your scatter diagram.
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.f: Carletta’s mark on the Science examination was \(44\). She did not sit the French examination....
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.g: Monique’s mark on the Science examination was 85. She did not sit the French examination. Her...
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.4c: Draw the regression line for \(y\) on \(x\) on the set of axes above.
- 07M.2.sl.TZ0.1e: A sample of 15 of the fish was weighed. The weight, W was plotted against length, L as shown...
- 07N.1.sl.TZ0.14b: Use your equation to estimate the number of objects remembered by a person aged 28 years.
- 07N.1.sl.TZ0.14a: Use your graphic display calculator to find the equation of the regression line of y on x.
- 08N.1.sl.TZ0.11d: Give a reason why it is valid to use this regression line to estimate the score on the Chemistry...
- 08N.1.sl.TZ0.11b: Write down, in the form \(y = mx + c\) , the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for...
- 08N.1.sl.TZ0.11c: A ninth candidate obtained a score of \(7\) in the Physics test but was absent for the Chemistry...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.3e: On a day when the temperature was \({36^ \circ }\) Peter calculates that \(314\) bottles would be...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.3d: The equation of the line of regression for \(n\) on \(T\) is \(n = dT - 100\). (i) Write...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ2.2ii.c: Stephen wishes to buy a paperback book which has \(350\) pages in it. He plans to draw a line of...
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, e, ii: Decide whether the answer in (e)(i) is a valid estimate of the depth of snow in the area. Give a...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2g.ii: Is this estimate of the distance reliable? Give a reason for your answer.
- 14M.1.sl.TZ2.12a: Use your graphic display calculator to write down the equation of the regression line \(t\) on...
- 14M.1.sl.TZ2.12c: Use your regression equation to find the amount of time 4 cleaners take to clean the school.
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Draw the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) on your scatter diagram.
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Use your graphic display calculator to find (i) the product–moment correlation coefficient,...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: A ninth regional station is \(76\) km from the city centre terminus. Use the equation of the...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1g: Give a reason why it is valid to use your regression line to estimate the price of this return...
- 14M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: Write down (i) the Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, \(r\), for Barry’s...
- 14M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: Draw the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) on your graph.
- 14M.2.sl.TZ1.1g: Use the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) to estimate the circumference of a tree...
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5d: Diogo is 18 years old. Give a reason why the regression line should not be used to estimate the...
- 15M.1.sl.TZ1.4b: Use the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) to estimate the number of mosquitoes...
- 15M.1.sl.TZ1.4a: Find (i) Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, \(r\); (ii) the equation of...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6d: All the bicycles that are produced are sold. The bicycles are sold for 304 USD each. Explain why...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6b: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for these data, in the form...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6c: Estimate the total cost, to the nearest USD, of producing \(13\) bicycles on a particular day.
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6e: All the bicycles that are produced are sold. The bicycles are sold for 304 USD each. (i) ...
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Use your graphic display calculator to write down the equation of the regression line \(T\) on...
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: Given that \(\bar x = 70\), draw the regression line \(T\) on \(x\) on your scatter diagram.
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Calculate the air temperature when the cricket’s chirp rate is \(70\).
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1h: A cricket makes 20 chirps in 15 seconds. For this chirp rate (i) calculate an estimate for...
Sub sections and their related questions
The regression line for \(y \) on \(x \).
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: Write down the equation of the regression line y on x for the above data.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: Draw the regression line y on x on your scatter diagram.
- 11N.1.sl.TZ0.4b: Write down the equation of the regression line, \(y\) on \(x\) , for the examination scores of...
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.1c: Write down the equation of the regression line of y on x.
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.11a: Use your graphic display calculator to write down the equation of the regression line for y on x...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2f: Write down the equation of the regression line for the data given.
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, c: Write down the equation of the regression line of y on x.
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: The equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) is \(y = - 0.470x + 83.7\) . Draw the...
- 07M.2.sl.TZ0.1e: A sample of 15 of the fish was weighed. The weight, W was plotted against length, L as shown...
- 09M.1.sl.TZ2.6a: Write down the equation of the regression line for s on t.
- 13M.2.sl.TZ1.3g: George decides to model the change in temperature of the coffee with a linear function using...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.d: Use your graphic display calculator to find the equation of the regression line of \(F\) on \(S\)...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.e: Draw the regression line on your scatter diagram.
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.4c: Draw the regression line for \(y\) on \(x\) on the set of axes above.
- 07N.1.sl.TZ0.14a: Use your graphic display calculator to find the equation of the regression line of y on x.
- 08N.1.sl.TZ0.11b: Write down, in the form \(y = mx + c\) , the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.3d: The equation of the line of regression for \(n\) on \(T\) is \(n = dT - 100\). (i) Write...
- 14M.1.sl.TZ2.12a: Use your graphic display calculator to write down the equation of the regression line \(t\) on...
- 14M.1.sl.TZ2.12c: Use your regression equation to find the amount of time 4 cleaners take to clean the school.
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Use your graphic display calculator to find (i) the product–moment correlation coefficient,...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Draw the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) on your scatter diagram.
- 14M.2.sl.TZ1.1e: Write down (i) the Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, \(r\), for Barry’s...
- 14M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: Draw the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) on your graph.
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Use your graphic display calculator to write down the equation of the regression line \(T\) on...
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: Given that \(\bar x = 70\), draw the regression line \(T\) on \(x\) on your scatter diagram.
- 15M.1.sl.TZ1.4a: Find (i) Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, \(r\); (ii) the equation of...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6b: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for these data, in the form...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6e: All the bicycles that are produced are sold. The bicycles are sold for 304 USD each. (i) ...
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1b: (i) \({\bar x}\), the mean number of hours spent on social media; (ii) \({\bar y}\), the...
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1c: Plot the point \((\bar x,{\text{ }}\bar y)\) on your scatter diagram and label this point M.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Write down the value of \(r\), the Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, for these data.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for these eight male students.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: Draw the regression line, from part (e), on your scatter diagram.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1g: Use the given equation of the regression line to estimate the number of IB Diploma points that...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3b.i: Write down, for this set of data the mean number of folders produced, \(\bar x\);
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5a: Find the mean number of hours that the people surveyed watch television per week.
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5b: Draw the regression line on the scatter diagram.
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5c: By placing a tick (✔) in the correct box, determine which of the following statements is true:
- 17N.1.sl.TZ0.5d: Diogo is 18 years old. Give a reason why the regression line should not be used to estimate the...
Use of the regression line for prediction purposes.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.1g: Estimate the number of plant species growing 30 metres from the lake shore.
- 11N.1.sl.TZ0.4c: A sixth candidate scored 72 in the Mathematics examination. Use the regression line, \(y\) on...
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.1d: Another golfer scored 70 in Round 1. Calculate an estimate of his score in Round 2.
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Another golfer scored 89 in Round 1. Determine whether you can use the equation of the...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.11b: Use your equation to estimate the number of calories that a person will burn during a 17 minute...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.11c: State whether your answer to part (b) is reliable. Give a reason for your answer.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2e: Using your graph, estimate the time when Alex and Kris pass the 85 km distance marker. Give your...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2g.i: Using your equation calculate the distance marker passed by the cyclists at 10.3 hours.
- 12M.1.sl.TZ2.3c: Use your line of best fit to estimate the value of y when x = 6.5.
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, d: If the number of trees in an area is 55, estimate the depth of snow.
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, e, i: Use the equation of the regression line to estimate the depth of snow in an area with 100 trees.
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.1g: The equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) is \(y = - 0.470x + 83.7\) . State, with a...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.1f: The equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) is \(y = - 0.470x + 83.7\) . Estimate the heat...
- 09M.1.sl.TZ2.6b: Use your equation to predict the ice cream sales on a day when the maximum temperature is 24 °C....
- 13M.2.sl.TZ1.3h: Use the equation of the regression line to estimate the temperature of the coffee at t = 3.
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.f: Carletta’s mark on the Science examination was \(44\). She did not sit the French examination....
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.1B.g: Monique’s mark on the Science examination was 85. She did not sit the French examination. Her...
- 07N.1.sl.TZ0.14b: Use your equation to estimate the number of objects remembered by a person aged 28 years.
- 08N.1.sl.TZ0.11c: A ninth candidate obtained a score of \(7\) in the Physics test but was absent for the Chemistry...
- 08N.1.sl.TZ0.11d: Give a reason why it is valid to use this regression line to estimate the score on the Chemistry...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.3d: The equation of the line of regression for \(n\) on \(T\) is \(n = dT - 100\). (i) Write...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.3e: On a day when the temperature was \({36^ \circ }\) Peter calculates that \(314\) bottles would be...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ2.2ii.c: Stephen wishes to buy a paperback book which has \(350\) pages in it. He plans to draw a line of...
- 09N.2.sl.TZ0.4A, e, ii: Decide whether the answer in (e)(i) is a valid estimate of the depth of snow in the area. Give a...
- 10M.2.sl.TZ2.2g.ii: Is this estimate of the distance reliable? Give a reason for your answer.
- 14M.1.sl.TZ2.12c: Use your regression equation to find the amount of time 4 cleaners take to clean the school.
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: A ninth regional station is \(76\) km from the city centre terminus. Use the equation of the...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.1g: Give a reason why it is valid to use your regression line to estimate the price of this return...
- 14M.2.sl.TZ1.1g: Use the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) to estimate the circumference of a tree...
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Calculate the air temperature when the cricket’s chirp rate is \(70\).
- 14N.2.sl.TZ0.1h: A cricket makes 20 chirps in 15 seconds. For this chirp rate (i) calculate an estimate for...
- 15M.1.sl.TZ1.4b: Use the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) to estimate the number of mosquitoes...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6c: Estimate the total cost, to the nearest USD, of producing \(13\) bicycles on a particular day.
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6d: All the bicycles that are produced are sold. The bicycles are sold for 304 USD each. Explain why...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.6e: All the bicycles that are produced are sold. The bicycles are sold for 304 USD each. (i) ...
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1e: Write down the equation of the regression line \(y\) on \(x\) for these eight male students.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1f: Draw the regression line, from part (e), on your scatter diagram.
- 16N.2.sl.TZ0.1g: Use the given equation of the regression line to estimate the number of IB Diploma points that...
- 17M.2.sl.TZ2.3b.i: Write down, for this set of data the mean number of folders produced, \(\bar x\);