Particle properties

You already know about mass and charge but these quantities alone are not sufficient to describe all of the particles discovered so far. Here we introduce spin.

You should also consider colour, flavour and strangeness.

Key Concepts


Spin can be up or down. Two particles with spin \(1\over 2\) could combine to give spin 1 or 0.


Every particle has an antiparticle with opposite charge. Normally the naming of antiparticles is done by simply adding "anti" to the name of the particle, but the antiparticle of an electron has its own name: the positron.



Particle classification - hadrons and leptons

Particles can be classified in terms of their interactions. Particles that are attracted by the strong force are hadrons; those that aren't are leptons.

Particle classification - baryons and mesons

There are two types of hadron. Baryons are heavy (3 quarks) and mesons are light (2 quarks).

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