Matter is vast and varied throughout the universe. Yet, zoom in enough and this complex story has a simple core - the Standard Model.
This is good example of Occam´s razor. The simplest is most likely to be the correct solution.
Particles interact and experience forces due to the transfer of exchange particles. These interactions can be represented by diagrams.
Key Concepts
Photons are the exchange particles associated with the electromagnetic force. A photon is a wave packet that carries an energy that is proportional to its frequency:
Virtual photons only exist between particles, not interacting with anything else. They exist for a short time without breaking the law of conservation of energy.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that, if the photon exists for only a short time Δt, then it can have energy \(\Delta E\Delta t\geq {h\over 4 \pi}\) without violating the law of conservation of energy. The shorter the time, the higher the energy.
Protons and neutrons
Protons and neutrons are affected by the strong force:
- Both have masses about 900 MeVc-2
- The proton has charge +e and the neutron charge 0
- Both have spin \(1\over 2\)
Electrons are affected by the electric force:
- Mass \(\approx\) 0.5 MeVc-2
- Charge -e
- Spin \(1\over 2\)
Neutrinos are affected by weak force:
- Mass \(\approx\) 0
- Charge 0
- Spin \(1\over 2\)
Pions are affected by strong force:
- Mass \(\approx\) 200 MeVc-2
- Charge -e
- Spin 0
Photons take part in electromagnetic interactions:
- Mass 0
- Charge 0
- Spin 1
Hadron is a collective term for heavy particles that interact with the strong force:
- proton
- neutron
- pion
Baryons are a sub-set of hadrons containing 3 constituent quarks:
- proton
- neutron
Mesons are a sub-set of hadrons containing 2 constituent quarks, i.e. pion.
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