Electron energy levels

When light emitted from low pressure gases is passed through a prism, a line spectrum emerges. This tells us that the energy associated with movements of electrons between energy levels is quantized. 

 The similarity between this and the harmonics in a pipe led to the the realisation that particles have wavelike properties (and vice versa). Electrons can be diffracted!

Key Concepts

Electrons in an electric field

The path of electrons in a uniform electric field is similar to the path of a ball thrown on the Earth. This led to the idea that electrons are negatively charge particles.

Simple model

Atomic electrons can only have certain discrete values of positional energy (specific to the type of atom, based on number of protons). This can be represented with an energy level diagram:

  • If an electron goes from a high level to a lower one, a photon of EM radiation is emitted.
  • To go up an energy level, a photon must be absorbed.

If the change in energy is ΔE then the frequency is f where:

\(\Delta E=hf\)


The characteristic line spectrum of hydrogen is due to the energy levels of its electrons.

In this simulation of the hydrogen spectrum, note that the energy levels are around 10 eV.


Absorption spectra

A photon is only absorbed if its energy exactly matches the difference between the levels.

Discharge tube

A gas discharge tube works by exciting electrons with an electric field.

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