
DP IB Maths: AA HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Maths: AA HL / DP / Topic Questions / 3. Geometry & Trigonometry / 3.10 Vector Equations of Lines

3.10 Vector Equations of Lines

Question 1

Marks: 7

The line l has equation r equals open parentheses table row 4 row 0 row 3 end table close parentheses plus lambda open parentheses table row cell negative 1 end cell row cell negative 2 end cell row 5 end table close parentheses and point A has coordinates open parentheses 3 comma space t comma space 2 close parentheses. Given that the shortest distance between point A and the line is fraction numerator square root of 645 over denominator 15 end fractionunits, find t , where t element of straight integer numbers.


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    Question 2a

    Marks: 6

    A line l subscript 1 has the equation r subscript 1 equals open parentheses 2 plus lambda close parentheses straight i plus open parentheses 6 lambda minus 3 close parentheses straight j plus open parentheses 5 plus 2 lambda close parentheses k and intersects the line l subscript 2 with equation r subscript 2 equals 5 straight i plus open parentheses 7 minus 4 mu close parentheses straight j plus open parentheses negative 3 minus 7 mu close parentheses k at point P, when lambda equals 3.

    A third line l subscript 3 runs parallel to l subscript 1 and also intersects l subscript 2 at point X open parentheses t comma space t minus 2 comma space minus 2 t close parentheses.  

    Find the parametric equations of l subscript 3.


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      Question 2b

      Marks: 2
      Find the distance open vertical bar PX close vertical bar.
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        Key Concepts
        Magnitude of a Vector

        Question 3a

        Marks: 4

        Consider the two intersecting lines l subscript 1 and l subscript 2 defined by the equations:

        l subscript 1 colon space r equals open parentheses table row 9 row 18 row 11 end table close parentheses plus lambda open parentheses table row cell negative 6 end cell row cell negative 3 end cell row k end table close parentheses

        l subscript 2 colon space fraction numerator x plus 5 over denominator 2 end fraction equals fraction numerator y plus t over denominator negative 4 end fraction equals fraction numerator z minus 20 over denominator 3 end fraction 

        Given that the angle between l subscript 1 and l subscript 2 is 1.281 rad, correct to 4 significant figures, find the value of k , where k element of straight integer numbers.


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          Question 3b

          Marks: 3
          Find the value of t, giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.
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            Question 4

            Marks: 8

            Consider the two lines l subscript 1 and l subscript 2, where l subscript 1 passes through the points straight A open parentheses 11 comma space minus 2 comma space 3 close parentheses and straight B open parentheses 4 comma space 4 comma space minus 5 close parentheses and l subscript 2 is defined by the Cartesian equations fraction numerator x plus 7 over denominator 3 end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 y plus 9 over denominator 6 end fraction equals fraction numerator z plus 4 over denominator negative 4 end fraction 

            Find the shortest distance between the two lines.


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              Question 5a

              Marks: 6

              Consider the line l subscript 1as defined by the equation r subscript 1 equals open parentheses table row cell negative 2 end cell row 5 row cell negative 8 end cell end table close parentheses plus alpha open parentheses table row 2 row cell negative 1 end cell row 3 end table close parentheses. 

              A point straight P stretchy left parenthesis r comma space t comma space minus r stretchy right parenthesis lies at a distance of square root of 405 units perpendicular from a point X open parentheses 17 comma space 15 comma space minus 8 close parentheses on l subscript 1. 

              Find all possible coordinates of straight P.
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                Question 5b

                Marks: 2
                Given that t greater than 0, write down the set of parametric equations that defines the line l subscript 2 that passes through points straight P and straight X.
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                  Question 5c

                  Marks: 3

                  A third line l subscript 3 is defined by the equations fraction numerator negative x minus 13 over denominator 5 end fraction equals fraction numerator negative y minus 9 over denominator 4 end fraction equals fraction numerator z minus 4 over denominator 2 end fraction.

                  Determine the relationship between lines l subscript 2 and l subscript 3.
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                    Question 6a

                    Marks: 2

                    A wheelchair ramp is required to provide access to a building with a door that is located 22 cm above ground level.  The maximum angle that a ramp must be from the horizontal is 4.8°.

                    Calculate the minimum horizontal distance that the ramp must extend out.
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                      Question 6b

                      Marks: 8

                      The wheelchair ramp is supported by a steel frame.  A cross section of the ramp can be seen in the diagram below.  A metal strut joins M, the midpoint of [AC], to a point X on the line [AB]. [AB].XM=11.1 cm and straight M straight X with hat on top straight C=90°.  


                      Using the horizontal distance found in part (a) and assuming that point A is at the origin, use a vector method to calculate the length XB.

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                        Key Concepts
                        Perpendicular Vectors

                        Question 7a

                        Marks: 2

                        Two drones X and Y are being flown over an area of rainforest to look for signs of illegal logging. Their positions relative to the observation centre, are given by

                        r subscript x equals open parentheses table row cell negative 3 end cell row cell 1.6 end cell row cell 2.5 end cell end table close parentheses plus t open parentheses table row 2 row cell negative 2 end cell row 1 end table close parentheses  and r subscript y equals open parentheses table row cell 2.5 end cell row 0 row cell negative 2 end cell end table close parentheses plus t open parentheses table row cell 1.5 end cell row 6 row 4 end table close parentheses


                        at time t  minutes after take-off, 0 less or equal than t less than 20. All distances are in metres.

                        Verify that the two drones will not collide.
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                          Question 7b

                          Marks: 6
                          Find the shortest distance between the two drones and the time at which it occurs.
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                            Question 7c

                            Marks: 6

                            A third drone Z begins its flight at t equals 8 and its position relative to the observation centre is given by r subscript z equals open parentheses table row 2 row cell 1.5 end cell row cell 4.5 end cell end table close parentheses plus t open parentheses table row 3 row 4 row 1 end table close parentheses 

                            Each drone can observe a circular area of ground,  A comma such that A equals 1.8 h squared where h is the height of the drone above the ground in metres.

                            Show that the area of ground that can be observed by drone Z five minutes after it takes off overlaps with the area of ground that can be observed by drone Y at that time.
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                              Question 8a

                              Marks: 5

                              Consider the tetrahedron ABCD, where A(3, 5, 8), B(-2, 3, 2), C(5, -1, 3) and D(-3, 0, 1). M is the midpoint of the line BC and point P lies along the line DM.

                              Given that the volume of the tetrahedron ABCP is 1 third of the volume of the tetrahedron ABCD, find the Cartesian equations of the line going through points A and P.
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                                Question 8b

                                Marks: 5

                                (b) X is the midpoint of [AD].

                                Find the coordinates of the point of intersection between the line found in part (a) and the line going through [MX].

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                                  Question 9a

                                  Marks: 6

                                  A car is moving at a constant speed of 15 ms-1 in the direction parallel to the vector 3 straight i minus 6 straight j.  Two birds are perched at points straight A left parenthesis 17 comma space 28 comma space 16 right parenthesis  and straight B open parentheses negative 48 comma space 128 comma space 26 close parentheses. 

                                  At t equals 0, the car is located at open parentheses 2 comma space 4 comma space 0 close parentheses  and the bird at point A starts to fly at a constant velocity of  fraction numerator 7 square root of 365 over denominator 10 end fraction ms-1. The bird at point B begins to fly at a constant velocity in the direction of the vector 52 straight i minus 60 straight j minus 9 k when t equals 1.2. 

                                  When bird A reaches the position of open parentheses 44 comma negative 24 comma space 4 close parentheses, both birds and the car lie in a straight line.

                                  Find the equation of the line along which the birds and car lie.
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                                    Question 9b

                                    Marks: 6
                                    Find the speed at which bird B is travelling.
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