
DP IB Maths: AA HL

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5.10 Differential Equations

Question 1

Marks: 5

Consider the first-order differential equation

 fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction minus 5 x to the power of 4 equals 3

Solve the equation given that y equals 40  when x equals 2,  giving your answer in the form y equals f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.

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    Question 2a

    Marks: 4

    Use separation of variables to solve each of the following differential equations for y:

                   fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals fraction numerator 4 x squared over denominator y to the power of 4 end fraction
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      Question 2b

      Marks: 1
                        fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals open parentheses x squared plus 1 close parentheses e to the power of negative y end exponent
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        Question 3a

        Marks: 1

        Use separation of variables to solve each of the following differential equations for which satisfies the given boundary condition:

                       fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals x y squared semicolon blank y open parentheses 2 close parentheses equals 1
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          Question 3b

          Marks: 5
                      open parentheses x plus 3 close parentheses fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals sec space y semicolon blank y open parentheses negative 2 close parentheses equals fraction numerator 3 pi over denominator 2 end fraction
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            Question 4a

            Marks: 1

            At any point in time, the rate of growth of a colony of bacteria is proportional to the current population size. At time t equals 0 hours, the population size is 5000.

            Write a differential equation to model the size of the population of bacteria.
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              Question 4b

              Marks: 6

              After 1 hour, the population has grown to 7000.

              By first solving the differential equation from part (a), determine the constant of proportionality.
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                Question 4c

                Marks: 5
                Show that, according to the model, it will take exactly begin mathsize 16px style fraction numerator ln space 20 over denominator ln space 7 minus ln space 5 end fraction end style  hours (from t equals 0)  for the population of bacteria to grow to 100 space 000.

                Confirm your answer to part (c)(i) graphically.
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                  Question 5a

                  Marks: 8

                  After clearing a large forest of malign influences, a wizard introduces a population of 100 unicorns to the forest.  According to the wizard’s mathemagicians, the population of unicorns in the forest may be modelled by the logistic equation

                   fraction numerator straight d P over denominator straight d t end fraction equals 0.0006   P open parentheses 250 minus P close parentheses

                  where t is the time in years after the unicorns were introduced to the forest.

                  Show that the population of unicorns at time t years is given by  

                  P open parentheses t close parentheses equals fraction numerator 500 straight e to the power of 0.15 t end exponent over denominator 3 plus 2 straight e to the power of 0.15 straight t end exponent end fraction

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                    Question 5b

                    Marks: 3
                    Find the length of time predicted by the model for the population of unicorns to double in size.
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                      Question 5c

                      Marks: 2
                      Determine the maximum size that the model predicts the population of unicorns can grow to.
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                        Question 6a

                        Marks: 2
                        Show that

                         x squared fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals x y plus 2 x squared

                        is a homogeneous differential equation.
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                          Question 6b

                          Marks: 4
                          Using the substitution v equals y over x,  show that the solution to the differential equation in part (a) is

                           y equals 2 x ln open vertical bar x close vertical bar plus c x 

                          where c is a constant of integration.
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                            Question 7a

                            Marks: 3
                            Use the substitution v equals y over x  to show that the differential equation 

                            y to the power of apostrophe equals y squared over x squared minus y over x plus 1

                            may be rewritten in the form

                            v to the power of apostrophe equals open parentheses v minus 1 close parentheses squared over x


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                              Question 7b

                              Marks: 5
                              Hence use separation of variables to solve the differential equation in part (a) for which satisfies the boundary condition begin mathsize 16px style y open parentheses 1 close parentheses equals 2 over 3 end style. Give your answer in the form y equals f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.
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                                Question 8a

                                Marks: 2

                                Consider the differential equation

                                 y to the power of apostrophe plus 2 x y equals left parenthesis 4 x plus 2 right parenthesis e to the power of x

                                Explain why it would be appropriate to use an integrating factor in attempting to solve the differential equation.
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                                  Key Concepts
                                  Integrating Factor

                                  Question 8b

                                  Marks: 2
                                  Show that the integrating factor for this differential equation is straight e to the power of x squared end exponent.
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                                    Key Concepts
                                    Integrating Factor

                                    Question 8c

                                    Marks: 5
                                    Hence solve the differential equation.
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                                      Question 9

                                      Marks: 7

                                      Use an integrating factor to solve the differential equation

                                       open parentheses x plus 3 close parentheses fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction minus 4 y equals open parentheses x plus 3 close parentheses to the power of 6 

                                      for y which satisfies the boundary condition  y left parenthesis negative 2 right parenthesis equals 0.

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                                        Question 10a

                                        Marks: 3

                                        Consider the differential equation

                                         fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals y over x plus 1

                                        with the boundary condition y left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis equals 0.

                                        Apply Euler’s method with a step size of h equals 0.2 to approximate the solution to the differential equation at x equals 2.
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                                          Question 10b

                                          Marks: 4
                                          Explain what method you could use to solve the above differential equation analytically (i.e., exactly).

                                          The exact solution to the differential equation with the given boundary condition is y equals x space ln space x. Compare your approximation from part (a) to the exact value of the solution at x equals 2.
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                                            Question 10c

                                            Marks: 1
                                            Explain how the accuracy of the approximation in part (a) could be improved.
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                                              Question 11a

                                              Marks: 3

                                              A particle moves in a straight line, such that its displacement x at time t is described by the differential equation

                                              fraction numerator straight d x over denominator straight d t end fraction equals fraction numerator t e to the power of 3 t squared end exponent plus 1 over denominator 4 x squared end fraction comma space space space space space t greater or equal than 0  

                                              At time t equals 0x equals 1 half

                                              (a) By using Euler’s method with a step length of 0.1, find an approximate value for x at time t equals 0.3.

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                                                Question 11b

                                                Marks: 5
                                                Solve the differential equation with the given boundary condition to show that 

                                                 x equals 1 half s-th root of e to the power of 3 t squared end exponent plus 6 t end root          

                                                Hence find the percentage error in your approximation for x at time t equals 0.3.
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