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Date May 2022 Marks available 5 Reference code 22M.1.AHL.TZ1.6
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 1 (without calculator) Time zone Time zone 1
Command term Determine Question number 6 Adapted from N/A


Consider the expansion of 8x3-12xn where n+. Determine all possible values of n for which the expansion has a non-zero constant term.



attempt to obtain the general term of the expansion

Tr+1=Crn8x3n-r-12xr  OR  Tr+1=Cn-rn8x3r-12xn-r             (M1)


recognize power of x starts at 3n and goes down by 4 each time             (M1)


recognizing the constant term when the power of x is zero (or equivalent)             (M1)

r=3n4  or  n=43r  or  3n-4r=0  OR  3r-n-r=0 (or equivalent)            A1

r is a multiple of 3 r=3,6,9, or one correct value of n (seen anywhere)             (A1)

n=4k, k+            A1

Note: Accept n is a (positive) multiple of 4 or n=4,8,12,
Do not accept n=4,8,12

Note: Award full marks for a correct answer using trial and error approach
showing n=4,8,12, and for recognizing that this pattern continues.


[5 marks]

Examiners report

There was a mixed response to this question. Candidates who used a trial and error approach were more successful in obtaining completely correct answers than those who tried to solve algebraically by finding the general term to form an equation relating n and r . Poor explanations were often noted in the trial and error approach. Candidates often failed to make progress after obtaining n=43r in the algebraic approach. Some candidates did not attempt this question.

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