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Date November 2020 Marks available 6 Reference code 20N.2.SL.TZ0.S_5
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Find Question number S_5 Adapted from N/A


Consider the expansion of 3x2-kx9, where k>0.

The coefficient of the term in x6 is 6048. Find the value of k.


* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain minor differences in marking or structure.

valid approach for expansion (must have correct substitution for parameters, but accept an incorrect value for r).       (M1)

eg     9r3x29-r-kxr , 3x29+913x28-kx1+923x27-kx2+

valid attempt to identify correct term       (M1)

eg     29-r-r=6 , x2rx-19-r=x6

identifying correct term (may be indicated in expansion)       (A1)

eg     r=4, r=5

correct term or coefficient in binominal expansion       (A1)

eg     943x25-kx4 , 126243x10k4x4, 30618k4

correct equation in k       (A1)

eg     94243k4x6=6048x6 , 30618k4=6048

k=23 (exact)  0.667       A1  N3 


Note: Do not award A1 if additional answers given.

[6 marks]

Examiners report


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