DP Geography Questionbank
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Population change
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Explain population trends and patterns in births (Crude Birth Rate), natural increase and mortality (Crude Death Rate, infant and child mortality rates), fertility and life expectancy in contrasting regions of the world. Analyse population pyramids. Explain population momentum and its impact on population projections.Directly related questions
- 18M.1.bp.6: “Population growth is the greatest threat to our planet’s soil quality and biodiversity.”...
- 16N.1.bp.5: “The fact that the world’s population is now growing less rapidly means that there will be less...
- 16N.1.bp.1c: Suggest two reasons for the trend in child mortality since 1990 in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- 16N.1.bp.1b: Describe the trend in child mortality shown on the graph for Europe and Central Asia.
- 16N.1.bp.1a: State what the child mortality rate measures.
- 16M.1.bp.1d: Explain the difference between a population projection and population momentum.
- 16M.1.bp.1c: Suggest two reasons for the change to the total fertility rate in Asia. 1. 2.
- 16M.1.bp.1b: Describe the trends shown on the graph.
- 16M.1.bp.1a: Outline what total fertility rate measures.
- .1.bp.5: “Government attempts to control population growth are ineffective.” Discuss this statement.
- 11M.1.bp.6: Examine the view that rapid population growth will prevent some countries from meeting their...
- 11N.1.bp.1a: Describe the predicted population structure of this country in 2025.
- 11N.1.bp.1b: Distinguish between a population projection and population momentum.
- 12M.1.bp.1a+b: The graph below shows the relationship between GDP per capita and life expectancy at birth for a...
- 12M.1.bp.7: Examine the view that population change is responsible for water scarcity.
- 12N.1.bp.1c: Explain why an imbalance in the birth ratio exists in some societies.
- 12N.1.bp.5: “Environmental sustainability will never be achieved without population control.” Discuss this...
- 12N.2.bp.3d: Examine how the exploitation of one named oceanic resource has led to geopolitical conflict.
- 13M.1.bp.1a: Define Crude Birth Rate.
- 13M.1.bp.1b(i): Estimate the rate of natural increase in 2010.
- 13M.1.bp.1b(ii): State the year in which the natural increase rate is projected to become negative.
- 13M.1.bp.1c: Explain the meaning of the term population projection.
- 13M.1.bp.1d: Suggest two reasons why governments need population projections.
- 14N.1.bp.1a: Describe the global pattern of birth control use shown on the map.
- 14N.1.bp.1c: Explain two reasons why the Crude Death Rate is falling in most low-income countries.
- 14N.1.bp.1b: Suggest two reasons why the percentage of women using some type of birth control is low in some...
- 14M.1.bp.1a: Describe the population structure of this country.
- 13N.1.bp.1a: Briefly describe the global pattern of the maternal mortality ratio shown on the map.
- 13N.1.bp.1c: Explain the recent trends in life expectancy at birth for a named country or region.
- 14M.1.bp.6: “Rapid population growth is the main cause of soil degradation and reduced biodiversity.” Discuss...
- 13N.1.bp.1b: Suggest two reasons why the maternal mortality ratio is so high in some countries.
- 13N.1.bp.7: “A falling fertility rate is always beneficial to a country.” Discuss this statement.
- 15N.1.bp.1c: Explain two reasons why the life expectancy in many low-income and middle-income countries is...
- 15N.1.bp.5: “Falling fertility rates are no guarantee of reduced resource consumption.” Discuss...
- 15M.1.bp.1c: Explain two reasons why the population is ageing in the five countries shown.
- 15M.1.bp.1d: Suggest two reasons why men have a lower life expectancy than women in most countries.