AHL Damped and driven oscillations

In the Simple harmonic motion topic we considered natural oscillations of pendula and masses on springs. But so far we have ignored the effect of the fluid in which the oscillations are taking place and therefore the effects of damping. And what if these oscillations are forced? Resonance may ensue!

Key Concepts

Natural frequency

Pendula and masses on springs oscillate at a natural frequency when released in the absence of a driving or damping force. This is determined using the equations for time period previously studied (Simple harmonic motion) and then finding the reciprocal:

\(T_m=2\pi \sqrt{m\over k}\)

  • \(T\) is time period for a mass on a spring (s)
  • \(m\) is mass (kg)
  • \(k\) is spring constant (N m-1)

\(T_p=2\pi\sqrt{l\over g}\)

  • \(T\) is time period for a pendulum (s)
  • \(l\) is the length of the string
  • \(g\) is gravitational field strength (N kg-1)

\(f={1\over T}\)

  • \(f\) is frequency (Hz)
  • \(T\) is time period (s)


Damping opposes oscillations. It is caused by the resistance of the fluid in which the oscillations take place. There are three types of damping:

  • Under-damping - in which the body continues to oscillate with decreasing amplitude (may be light or heavy)
  • Critical damping - in which the body returns to its equilibrium position in the shortest possible time without over-shooting
  • Over-damping - in which the body returns to its equilibrium position slowly without over-shooting

In under-damped systems, the amplitude decreases according to an exponential decay relationship.

Q factor

The Q (quality) factor for oscillations is a dimensionless quantity that indicates the extent of damping. It is calculated as follows:

\(Q=2\pi {\text{energy stored}\over \text{energy dissipated per cycle}}\)

  • \(Q\) is the Q factor (dimensionless)
  • The energy stored is the energy at the beginning of a cycle (J)
  • The energy dissipated per cycle is the energy lost in the system as a result of that same cycle (J)

Critical damping occurs when \(Q={1\over 2}\). A system with \(Q>{1\over 2}\) is under-damped and a system with \(Q<{1\over 2}\) is over-damped.

Since the energy dissipated in one cycle is equal to the power loss multiplied by the time for that cycle:

\(Q=2\pi \times {\text{energy stored}\over \text{power loss}\times T}\)

\(\Rightarrow Q=2\pi \times \text{resonant frequency}\times {\text{energy stored}\over \text{power loss}}\)

  • \(Q\) is the Q factor (dimensionless)
  • The resonant frequency is the frequency of the oscillations (Hz)
  • The energy stored is the energy at the beginning of a cycle (J)
  • The power loss is the energy lost per unit time during that same cycle (W)



Driving frequency

Oscillations may be driven by a continuous force. Pushing a child on a swing is a close example, but not quite, as the pusher is not in constant contact with the swing. A better example is to hold the top of a spring on which a mass is hanging and to move your hand up and down.

The driving frequency has significant effects on the amplitude of the oscillations:

  • For low frequency movements, the whole system of driver and oscillating body moves as one. The driver and the oscillating body are in phase. The amplitude of the oscillations is equal to that of the driver.
  • As the driving frequency approaches the natural frequency, the amplitude rises to a maximum. The driver is one quarter of a cycle ahead of the oscillating body (phase difference of \(\pi\over 2\)).
  • For high frequency movements, the driver and the oscillating body move in antiphase. The amplitude decreases with increased frequency to approach zero.

When the driver frequency matches the natural frequency of the oscillating body, it is at the resonant frequency. Resonance occurs.


Forced oscillations and resonance are considered in electrical and civil engineering designs. In the latter, safety is the leading priority; there must be no risk of a driving frequency approximating the resonant frequency. In situations where the driving frequency is fixed, there are two ways to make civil structures safer:

  1. Alter the natural frequency. Ever seen someone stick chewing gum to their rear-view mirror to stop it shaking? The addition of the gum changes the mass of the mirror and thus the time period of its oscillations. The driving frequency due to the motion of the car is unaffected and therefore there is a larger difference between the driving frequency and natural frequency.
  2. Increase damping. Damping comes from the interaction of the oscillating body and the fluid in which it is oscillating, so a more viscous fluid or a larger surface area for the body will increase damping. This reduces the resonant frequency.

Resonance has useful effects including in watch mechanisms, musical instruments and selection of frequencies in a radio. However, when destructive, bridges and buildings can be damaged due to the large amplitudes in a fixed quantity of material.

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