DP Business Management Questionbank

2.4 Motivation and demotivation
[N/A]Directly related questions
Explain how the following can benefit HS:
job enlargement
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for CSS of introducing an employee share ownership scheme.
With reference to Adams’s equity theory and Daniel Pink’s motivation theory, discuss Ebru’s decision to eliminate performance-related pay (PRP) (Change 2) and to allow employees to spend 20 % of their time on any project they wish (Change 3).
With reference to Maslow’s motivation theory, explain two reasons that some TM drivers left to drive for BT.
Refer to the As Fair As case study (SL/HL paper 1 Nov 2018).
Explain one benefit and one cost to AFA of using fringe payments (perks) to financially reward staff.
Explain two advantages for LB of using on the job training.
Explain how the methods used to motivate employees could have changed when RDM transformed from traditional mass production to highly automated production.
Explain two types of financial rewards, other than salary, that RDM might offer its engineers and computer scientists.
Explain one cost and one benefit of a high labour turnover of managers for The Warriors.
Define the term labour turnover.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for DA of replacing the current pay system and benefits with the proposed employment package (Decision 1).
Explain one positive impact and one negative impact on BTO as a result of having low labour turnover.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for FI of motivating its employees using Taylor’s motivation theory.
Explain how a formal system of appraisal may have avoided the problems caused by Clare (lines 86–100).
Explain two factors that may influence the motivation of employees at SF.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of the high labour turnover of designers at Buzza.
Explain two disadvantages for FR if it extends its 360-degree feedback appraisal system to its supermarket employees.
Sub sections and their related questions
2.4.1 The following motivation theories: Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg
With reference to Maslow’s motivation theory, explain two reasons that some TM drivers left to drive for BT.
Explain how the methods used to motivate employees could have changed when RDM transformed from traditional mass production to highly automated production.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for FI of motivating its employees using Taylor’s motivation theory.
Explain two factors that may influence the motivation of employees at SF.
2.4.2 The following motivation theories: McClelland’s acquired needs theory, Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory, Equity and expectancy theory
2.4.3 Labour turnover
Explain one cost and one benefit of a high labour turnover of managers for The Warriors.
Define the term labour turnover.
Explain one positive impact and one negative impact on BTO as a result of having low labour turnover.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of the high labour turnover of designers at Buzza.
2.4.4 The following types of appraisal: Formative, Summative, 360-degree feedback, Self-appraisal
Explain how a formal system of appraisal may have avoided the problems caused by Clare (lines 86–100).
Explain two disadvantages for FR if it extends its 360-degree feedback appraisal system to its supermarket employees.
2.4.5 Methods of recruitment
None2.4.6 Internal and external recruitment
None2.4.7 The following types of financial rewards: Salary, Wages (time and piece rates), Commission, Performance-related pay (PRP), Profit-related pay, Employee share ownership schemes, Fringe payments
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for CSS of introducing an employee share ownership scheme.
With reference to Adams’s equity theory and Daniel Pink’s motivation theory, discuss Ebru’s decision to eliminate performance-related pay (PRP) (Change 2) and to allow employees to spend 20 % of their time on any project they wish (Change 3).
Refer to the As Fair As case study (SL/HL paper 1 Nov 2018).
Explain one benefit and one cost to AFA of using fringe payments (perks) to financially reward staff.
Explain two types of financial rewards, other than salary, that RDM might offer its engineers and computer scientists.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for DA of replacing the current pay system and benefits with the proposed employment package (Decision 1).
2.4.8 The following types of non-financial rewards: Job enrichment, Job rotation, Job enlargement, Empowerment, Purpose/the opportunity to make a difference, Teamwork
Explain how the following can benefit HS:
job enlargement
With reference to Adams’s equity theory and Daniel Pink’s motivation theory, discuss Ebru’s decision to eliminate performance-related pay (PRP) (Change 2) and to allow employees to spend 20 % of their time on any project they wish (Change 3).
2.4.9 The following types of training: Induction, On the job, Off the job
Explain two advantages for LB of using on the job training.