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Directly related questions

Sub sections and their related questions

Introduction to bivariate distributions.

Covariance and (population) product moment correlation coefficient ρ.

Proof that ρ=0 in the case of independence and ±1 in the case of a linear relationship between X and Y.

Definition of the (sample) product moment correlation coefficient R in terms of n paired observations on X and Y. Its application to the estimation of ρ.

Informal interpretation of r, the observed value of R. Scatter diagrams.

Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: use of the t-statistic to test the null hypothesis ρ=0 .

Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: knowledge of the facts that the regression of X on Y (E(X)|Y=y) and Y on X (E(Y)|X=x) are linear.

Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: least-squares estimates of these regression lines (proof not required).

Topics based on the assumption of bivariate normality: the use of these regression lines to predict the value of one of the variables given the value of the other.