DP Chemistry Questionbank

D.1 Pharmaceutical products and drug action
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.15: Drug testing is necessary to determine safe and effective doses. Distinguish between the lethal...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.13b.i: State what is meant by the bioavailability of a drug.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.18b: State the method of drug administration that gives the maximum bioavailability.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.18a: Outline the difference between the therapeutic index in animal studies and the therapeutic index...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.18b: Suggest one ethical consideration faced by medical researchers when developing medications.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.15b.ii: Compare, giving a reason, the bioavailability of soluble aspirin with aspirin.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.18a: Dose response curves are determined for each drug. Outline the significance of range “a”.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.14a.i: State the meaning of the term therapeutic window.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.14a.ii: Suggest why a narrow therapeutic window may be a problem.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.14b: State the meaning of the term side-effects.
- 13N.3.hl.TZ0.15c: Outline why some drugs can be less effective when taken orally rather than through other methods...
- 13N.3.sl.TZ0.12c: The therapeutic window is used as a measure of the safety of a drug. Define the term therapeutic...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.D1a: Creating a new pharmaceutical product is a long and complex process. Outline the main stages of...
- 12N.3.sl.TZ0.D1b: There are various ways to administer drugs to a patient. One of the common methods, parenteral,...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.D2a.i: side-effect
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.D2a.ii: therapeutic window
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.D2b.i: One method of injecting drugs into the body results in the drug having a very rapid effect. State...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.D2b.ii: List the two other methods which can be used to inject drugs into the body.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.D2b.iii: Identify the method of administration used to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ1.D1f: Explain what is meant by the term tolerance and suggest why this is a particular problem for...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.D2a: State one other effect of medicines and drugs on the body.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.D2b.i: therapeutic window.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.D2b.ii: tolerance.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.D2c: Outline the major stages in the development of a new drug.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ2.D1: Discuss the term therapeutic window. Your answer should include its meaning, a quantitative...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.D3a: Explain the meaning of the term therapeutic window and discuss its importance in drug...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.D1b.i: State the meaning of the term parenteral.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.D1a: Drugs are most commonly taken orally. (a) State one advantage and one disadvantage of...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.D1b: List three methods, other than orally, that can be used for the administration of a drug.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.D1a: List two general effects of medicines and drugs on the functioning of the body.