Date | May 2015 | Marks available | 1 | Reference code | |
Level | SL | Paper | 3 | Time zone | TZ2 |
Command term | Describe | Question number | 15 | Adapted from | N/A |
Morphine and its derivatives work by temporarily bonding to receptor sites in the brain, preventing the transmission of pain impulses.
Discuss one advantage and two disadvantages of using morphine as an analgesic.
The structures of morphine and diamorphine (heroin) are shown in table 20 of the data booklet. Describe the difference in the two structures by naming the functional groups.
relieves strong/severe pain / relieves pain caused by serious injury/cancer/surgery/heart attack / (intravenous so) faster acting;
Accept relieves anxiety / wide safety margin.
Do not accept just “relieves pain”.
Any two for [2 max] of:
(profound) tolerance develops;
addictive/(physical) dependence/habit forming;
causes drowsiness / mental clouding / depression/mood changes / constipation / loss of appetite / depression of the respiratory centre / nausea / suppresses cough reflex / pupil (of the eye) constriction / kidney/liver disorders;
Do not accept other disadvantages, such as overdose and coma.
morphine has (two) hydroxyl groups and diamorphine (heroin) has (two) ester groups;
Accept alcohol or hydroxy for hydroxyl but not hydroxide.
Examiners report
Many candidates focused their response on the description of morphine as a strong analgesic rather than on the advantage of using morphine although the disadvantages of its use were well known. The structural differences between morphine and diamorphine were often well known.
Many candidates focused their response on the description of morphine as a strong analgesic rather than on the advantage of using morphine although the disadvantages of its use were well known. The structural differences between morphine and diamorphine were often well known.