DP Psychology Questionbank

Cognitive processes
Evaluate schema theory with reference to research studies.
Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process (for example, memory, perception, language, decision‑making) with reference to research studies.
Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process (for example, Alzheimer’s disease, brain damage, sleep deprivation).
Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process (for example, education, carpentered-world hypothesis, effect of video games on attention).
With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent is one cognitive process reliable (for example, reconstructive memory, perception/visual illusions, decision‑making/heuristics)?
Discuss the use of technology in investigating cognitive processes (for example, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans in memory research, fMRI scans in decision‑making research).
Directly related questions
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process, with reference to one research study.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss the use of technology in investigating one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss how social and/or cultural factors affect one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one study investigating the reliability of one cognitive process.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.05:
Evaluate schema theory.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss the reliability of one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Cognitive level of analysis
Describe how one social or cultural factor affects one cognitive process.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe schema theory, with reference to one relevant study.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
With reference to one study, describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process.
22M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.5:
Evaluate one method used to study the interaction between technology and cognitive processes.
Sub sections and their related questions
Evaluate schema theory with reference to research studies
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.05:
Evaluate schema theory.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe schema theory, with reference to one relevant study.
Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process with reference to research studies
NoneExplain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process, with reference to one research study.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
With reference to one study, describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process.
Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss how social and/or cultural factors affect one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Cognitive level of analysis
Describe how one social or cultural factor affects one cognitive process.
With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent is one cognitive process reliable?
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one study investigating the reliability of one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss the reliability of one cognitive process.
Discuss the use of technology in investigating cognitive processes
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss the use of technology in investigating one cognitive process.
22M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.5:
Evaluate one method used to study the interaction between technology and cognitive processes.