DP Digital Society Questionbank

4.5 Human knowledge
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[N/A]Directly related questions
King Robotics is planning to use social robots in schools. The robots will use a unique approach called care receiving. In this approach to teaching, the robot does not directly instruct the student; instead, the robot makes mistakes and asks the student for help to correct them. Early studies have found that children respond very positively to this approach. The robots will also be able to carry out direct teaching activities.
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using social robots such as Pepper to support the care-receiving teaching approach as well as carry out direct teaching activities.
Discuss whether Daniela should make every teacher at Orams Academy use the same learning platform or allow each teacher to choose their own preferred learning management approach.
The increasing use of cloud-based applications and online collaborative tools has led to Orams Academy introducing an acceptable use policy for students and teachers.
Explain three reasons why Orams Academy decided to introduce an acceptable use policy.
Identify two methods that could be used to train the staff to use the new computer modelling system.
There are two possible methods for ensuring students use the TailorEd online learning system responsibly. They are:
- restricting access to sites that may be considered inappropriate
- educating the students about acceptable use.
Analyse these two methods.
To what extent do the benefits of collecting students’ academic progress data outweigh the concerns of the students, teachers and parents?
Discuss whether Xingu Academy should become a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) school.
Smart farming
A government in East Africa is using the expertise of scientists at a university in the region to promote the culture of smart farming and increase the productivity of farmers (see Figure 5). To do this, they have developed an app that the farmers can use to assist them in their decision-making.
Figure 5: An example of farming in East Africa
[Palmer, N., 2010. A farmer at work in Kenya’s Mount Kenya region [image] [online] Available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2DU_Kenya_86_(5367322642).jpg (CC BY-SA 2.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en [Accessed 18 May 2020].]
Unfortunately, the scientists who developed the app have received many complaints from farmers who have been unable to use it. They are considering two options:
- making the existing system more user-friendly
- educating the farmers to use the existing system.
The scientists claim by making changes to the app it will make the app more user-friendly for the farmers. However, the farmers claim it would be better to provide them with education, such as training, so they can use the existing app.
Evaluate these two claims.
Mobile devices provide many benefits for children but can also be used inappropriately. Some groups claim it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their children use their mobile devices responsibly, while other groups claim that responsibility lies with other stakeholders, such as schools.
With reference to all the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree that parents should be responsible for ensuring their children develop safe and healthy habits for mobile device usage?
With reference to the stimulus material and your own inquiries, recommend whether Tayton School should use social robots and/or assistive technologies to ensure students with SEND can be further integrated into the school.
The students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) want to be included in school activities and have appropriate access to the curriculum.
The two interventions influence a student’s identity in the classroom.
Evaluate the impact of educational digital technologies, such as social robots and assistive technologies, on the identity of students with SEND in Tayton School.
Many schools block access to social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. However, other schools are investigating two different options:
- Monitoring the network to view what websites the students are viewing.
- Giving different ages of students different levels of access to social media sites.
Analyse these two options.
It has been decided to provide only online access to documentation for Robbi. There will be no downloadable PDFs.
Analyse this decision.
The human face of student counselling
Many Diploma Programme (DP) coordinators are finding they do not have enough time to interview every student before they choose their DP subjects. They are considering purchasing the Student Counselling System, a proprietary management information system (MIS).
The developers of the Student Counselling System claim that, if students complete online questionnaires to determine their interests, abilities and future goals, the system can give them very accurate results, resulting in less than 5% of students changing their diploma subjects. They also claim the Student Counselling System will allow DP coordinators to be able to interview every student, something they cannot do now.
Some DP coordinators have concerns about the automation of this process and believe that advising students is something that is best done by relying on their own professional judgement and intuition.
Discuss whether DP coordinators should rely on the recommendations of the Student Counselling System rather than their own professional judgement and intuition when advising students about what DP subjects to study.
The Okavango Medical Centre has received additional funding from the local authority. The centre is investigating the possibility of using these funds to purchase IT equipment that would allow surgeons in Gaborone to carry out surgery remotely.
Evaluate the impact of the purchase of this IT equipment on the medical centre and its patients.
The government of Cameroon is watching the results of the Agritexte initiative. It is considering two options:
- extending the functionality of Agritexte into a web-based information system
- investing in education and training on the use of the existing Agritexte SMS system.
Evaluate these two options.
Analyse the effectiveness of using face-to-face (F2F) training compared to distance learning to train farmers to use Agritexte.
Umair has decided on a strategy to develop his software and Braille keyboard by using crowdfunding and open-source software.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy.
Many people use smartwatches to monitor their vital signs and manage their health.
To what extent should an individual use a smartwatch to manage their health?
Explain why end-users should be involved in the development of software products such as the smartwatch app.
Cameras in school
The principal at Flynn School has received requests from parents saying that they would like to monitor their children’s performance in school more closely. He is considering extending the school’s IT system by installing cameras linked to facial recognition software that can record student behaviour in lessons.
The facial recognition software can determine a student’s attention level and behaviour, such as identifying if they are listening, answering questions, talking with other students, or sleeping. The software uses machine learning to analyse each student’s behaviour and gives them a weekly score that is automatically emailed to their parents.
The principal claims that monitoring students’ behaviour more closely will improve the teaching and learning that takes place.
Discuss whether Flynn School should introduce a facial recognition system that uses machine learning to analyse each student’s behaviour and give them a score that is automatically emailed to their parents.
To what extent can the use of models and simulations like the MADAS system help prevent future accidents?
A new school has opened in Switzerland, and its principal and IT manager are considering two options:
Option 1: Using a local client–server network.
Option 2: Using a cloud-based service.
Evaluate these two options.