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Date May 2021 Marks available 2 Reference code 21M.1.AHL.TZ2.11
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Explain Question number 11 Adapted from N/A


The diagram below shows a network of roads in a small village with the weights indicating the distance of each road, in metres, and junctions indicated with letters.

Musab is required to deliver leaflets to every house on each road. He wishes to minimize his total distance.


Musab starts and finishes from the village bus-stop at A. Determine the total distance Musab will need to walk.


Instead of having to catch the bus to the village, Musab’s sister offers to drop him off at any junction and pick him up at any other junction of his choice.

Explain which junctions Musab should choose as his starting and finishing points.



Odd vertices are A, B, D, H                 A1

Consider pairings:                                 M1

Note: Award (M1) if there are four vertices not necessarily all correct.

AB DH has shortest route AD, DE, EB and DE, EH,
so repeated edges 19+16+19+16+27=97

Note: Condone AB in place of AD, DE, EB giving 56+16+27=99.

AD BH has shortest route AD and BE, EH,
so repeated edges 19+19+27=65

AH BD has shortest route AD, DE, EH and BE, ED,
so repeated edges 19+16+27+19+16=97                     A2

Note: Award A1 if only one or two pairings are correctly considered.

so best pairing is AD, BH
weight of route is therefore 582+65=647         A1

[5 marks]


least value of the pairings is 19 therefore repeat AD              R1

B and H                 A1

Note: Do not award R0A1.

[2 marks]


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