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Date November 2017 Marks available 5 Reference code 17N.3.AHL.TZ0.Hdm_1
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 3 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Find and Use Question number Hdm_1 Adapted from N/A


Mathilde delivers books to five libraries, A, B, C, D and E. She starts her deliveries at library D and travels to each of the other libraries once, before returning to library D. Mathilde wishes to keep her travelling distance to a minimum.

The weighted graph H , representing the distances, measured in kilometres, between the five libraries, has the following table.


Draw the weighted graph H .


Starting at library D use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, to find an upper bound for Mathilde’s minimum travelling distance. Indicate clearly the order in which the edges are selected.


By first removing library C, use the deleted vertex algorithm, to find a lower bound for Mathilde’s minimum travelling distance.



* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain minor differences in marking or structure.


complete graph on 5 vertices     A1

weights correctly marked on graph     A1

[2 marks]


clear indication that the nearest-neighbour algorithm has been applied     M1

DA (or 16)     A1

AB (or 18) then BC (or 15)     A1

CE (or 17) then ED (or 19)     A1

UB = 85     A1

[5 marks]


an attempt to find the minimum spanning tree     (M1)

DA (16) then BE (17) then AB (18) (total 51)     A1

reconnect C with the two edges of least weight, namely CB (15) and CE (17)     M1

LB = 83     A1

[4 marks]


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Topic 3—Geometry and trigonometry » AHL 3.16—Tree and cycle algorithms, Chinese postman, travelling salesman
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