DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Questionbank

6.3. Components of fitness.
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.3a: State the fitness test shown in the diagram.
Apply four components of fitness to the movement of a basketball player.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.3a: State the fitness test shown in the diagram.
Distinguish between health-related and performance-related components of fitness.
- 21M.2.HL:.tz0.7a.i: Identify a fitness test that can be used for the following component of fitness: flexibility.
Identify a fitness test that can be used for the following component of fitness: muscular endurance.
Which fitness component does the stork stand test?
A. Reaction time
B. Balance
C. Strength
D. Muscle endurance
- 21M.1.HL:.tz0.24: Which is a performance-related fitness component? A. Body composition B. Agility C....
- 22M.2.SL.tz0.1c.i: Identify one fitness component that the study cited in Question 1 is designed to improve.
- 22M.1.HL:.tz0.25: Which fitness test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a cardiovascular endurance training...
- 22M.1.HL:.tz0.24: What is the predominant fitness component required for high-level performance in shot...
List three tests of aerobic capacity.
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.29: What describes the force that a muscle or group of muscles can exert in a single contraction? A....
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.5d.ii: Evaluate one of these tests.
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.30: What test is valid for measuring muscular endurance? A. Sit and reach B. Stork stand C. Hand...
Evaluate the Harvard Step Test.
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.28: Which are tests for body composition? I. Body mass index II. Anthropometry III. Underwater...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.27: Which is a reliable and valid test of a basketball player’s leg power? A. Illinois Agility...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which is a health-related fitness component? A. Speed B. Power C. Reaction time D. Muscular...
Evaluate two fitness tests used to assess body composition.
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which fitness component can be assessed by anthropometry? A. Flexibility B. Body...
- 18N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which test measures muscular strength? A. Maximum sit-ups B. Hand grip dynamometer C. Maximum...
Which is a component of performance-related (skill-related) fitness?
A. Muscular endurance
B. Body composition
C. Power
D. Strength
Outline the procedure for measuring leg power in the test stated in 1(b)(i).
State an alternative test (other than standing broad jump) for measuring leg power.
Evaluate body mass index as a measure of healthy body composition.
Evaluate two valid tests of aerobic capacity.
Which fitness component is most important when a soccer player dribbles a ball around opponents while maintaining their balance?
A. Muscular endurance
B. Aerobic capacity
C. Flexibility
D. Agility
Identify two components of health-related fitness.
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.30: Which component of fitness is estimated when undertaking Cooper’s 12 Minute Run? A. Agility B....
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which fitness test provides an assessment of muscle endurance? A. Hand grip dynamometer B....
Evaluate the multistage fitness test as a method of assessing aerobic capacity in a long-distance runner.
- 19N.2.SL.tz0.2b: Outline power, a performance-related component of fitness.
Evaluate the vertical jump test as a method of assessing power in volleyball players.
- 19N.2.HL:.tz0.5a.ii: Apply two health-related components of fitness to a marathon runner.
Distinguish between health-related and performance-related fitness.
Sub sections and their related questions
6.3.1. Distinguish between the concepts of health-related fitness and performance- related (skill-related) fitness.
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which is a health-related fitness component? A. Speed B. Power C. Reaction time D. Muscular...
Which is a component of performance-related (skill-related) fitness?
A. Muscular endurance
B. Body composition
C. Power
D. Strength
Identify two components of health-related fitness.
- 19N.2.SL.tz0.2b: Outline power, a performance-related component of fitness.
Distinguish between health-related and performance-related fitness.
Distinguish between health-related and performance-related components of fitness.
- 21M.1.HL:.tz0.24: Which is a performance-related fitness component? A. Body composition B. Agility C....
6.3.2. Outline the major components of fitness identified in 6.3.1.
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.29: What describes the force that a muscle or group of muscles can exert in a single contraction? A....
Which fitness component is most important when a soccer player dribbles a ball around opponents while maintaining their balance?
A. Muscular endurance
B. Aerobic capacity
C. Flexibility
D. Agility
- 19N.2.HL:.tz0.5a.ii: Apply two health-related components of fitness to a marathon runner.
Apply four components of fitness to the movement of a basketball player.
- 22M.1.HL:.tz0.24: What is the predominant fitness component required for high-level performance in shot...
6.3.3. Outline and evaluate a variety of fitness tests.
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.30: What test is valid for measuring muscular endurance? A. Sit and reach B. Stork stand C. Hand...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.27: Which is a reliable and valid test of a basketball player’s leg power? A. Illinois Agility...
List three tests of aerobic capacity.
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.5d.ii: Evaluate one of these tests.
Evaluate the Harvard Step Test.
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.28: Which are tests for body composition? I. Body mass index II. Anthropometry III. Underwater...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which fitness component can be assessed by anthropometry? A. Flexibility B. Body...
- 18N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which test measures muscular strength? A. Maximum sit-ups B. Hand grip dynamometer C. Maximum...
Evaluate two valid tests of aerobic capacity.
Evaluate body mass index as a measure of healthy body composition.
Evaluate two fitness tests used to assess body composition.
State an alternative test (other than standing broad jump) for measuring leg power.
Outline the procedure for measuring leg power in the test stated in 1(b)(i).
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.29: Which fitness test provides an assessment of muscle endurance? A. Hand grip dynamometer B....
Evaluate the vertical jump test as a method of assessing power in volleyball players.
Evaluate the multistage fitness test as a method of assessing aerobic capacity in a long-distance runner.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.3a: State the fitness test shown in the diagram.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.3a: State the fitness test shown in the diagram.
- 21M.2.HL:.tz0.7a.i: Identify a fitness test that can be used for the following component of fitness: flexibility.
Identify a fitness test that can be used for the following component of fitness: muscular endurance.
Which fitness component does the stork stand test?
A. Reaction time
B. Balance
C. Strength
D. Muscle endurance
- 22M.1.HL:.tz0.25: Which fitness test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a cardiovascular endurance training...
- 22M.2.SL.tz0.1c.i: Identify one fitness component that the study cited in Question 1 is designed to improve.