DP History Questionbank

HL option 3: Aspects of the history of the Americas
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This option covers major developments in the region from around 1760 to 2000: independence movements; the challenges of nation-building; the emergence of the Americas in global affairs; the Great Depression; the Second World War and the Cold War, and their impact on the region, as well as the transition into the 21st century. Within each section political, economic and social issues are considered and, when relevant, cultural aspects are included. The countries of the Americas form a region of great diversity but close historical links.
Within the sections there will be, where appropriate, a case study approach in which students will have the opportunity to study their own or another national history of the region.
Only people and events named in the guide will be named in the examination questions.
In some bullets, suitable examples are shown in brackets. These examples will not be named in the examination questions as any appropriate examples can be used.
Three sections must be selected for in-depth study.
Directly related questions
Evaluate the role of foreign intervention on two independence movements in the Americas.
Discuss the influence of neocolonialism in the development of two nations in the Americas between 1865 and 1929.
“The Great Depression of 1929 presented Latin America with opportunities as well as problems.” Discuss.
Evaluate the extent to which the domestic policies of one Latin American leader during the period from 1945 to 1979 were populist.
Evaluate the impact of one military regime in Latin America between 1945 and 1979.
Note: Castro’s Cuba is not an appropriate example for this question. -
Evaluate the main challenges to the establishment of political systems in the emerging nations of Latin America.
“The Mexican Revolution was not started by the oppressed; it began with a division within the dominant elite.” Discuss.
Evaluate the reasons for, and the consequences of, Nixon’s covert operations in Chile.
Evaluate the factors that led to the emergence of a counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s in the Americas.
“1863 was the military and moral turning point of the US Civil War.” Discuss.
Evaluate the reasons for the emergence and development of radical African American activism in the 1960s and 1970s.
Evaluate the impact of “indigenismo” and nativism in Latin America in the period from 1865 to 1929.
“Whether it was called the Big Stick, Dollar Diplomacy or Moral Diplomacy, the impact of United States foreign policy towards Latin America was virtually the same.” Discuss.
To what extent was hemispheric cooperation between countries in the Americas successful between 1933 and 1945?
Evaluate the impact of Reagan’s foreign policy on Latin America.
Compare and contrast the independence movements in two countries in Latin America.
Evaluate the arguments used to oppose Canadian Confederation.
To what extent did the expansion of slavery contribute to the outbreak of the US Civil War?
Examine the long and short-term causes of the Spanish–American War (1898).
Examine the impact of the Mexican revolution on the arts and education.
Compare and contrast the causes of the Great Depression in two countries in the Americas.
Examine the social impact of the Second World War on two of the following groups: African Americans, Native Americans, women, minorities.
“After 1945, the foreign policy of countries in the Americas was largely shaped by the Cold War.” Discuss with reference to either Canada or one Latin American country.
Discuss the social and economic effects of globalization on one country in the Americas during the period from 1980 to 2000.
Sub sections and their related questions
8. The Second World War and the Americas 1933‑45
To what extent was hemispheric cooperation between countries in the Americas successful between 1933 and 1945?
Examine the social impact of the Second World War on two of the following groups: African Americans, Native Americans, women, minorities.
3. United States Civil War: causes, course and effects 1840‑77
To what extent did the expansion of slavery contribute to the outbreak of the US Civil War?
“1863 was the military and moral turning point of the US Civil War.” Discuss.
5. Emergence of the Americas in global affairs 1880‑1929
Examine the long and short-term causes of the Spanish–American War (1898).
“Whether it was called the Big Stick, Dollar Diplomacy or Moral Diplomacy, the impact of United States foreign policy towards Latin America was virtually the same.” Discuss.
6. The Mexican Revolution 1910‑40
“The Mexican Revolution was not started by the oppressed; it began with a division within the dominant elite.” Discuss.
Examine the impact of the Mexican revolution on the arts and education.
7. The Great Depression and the Americas 1929‑39
Compare and contrast the causes of the Great Depression in two countries in the Americas.
“The Great Depression of 1929 presented Latin America with opportunities as well as problems.” Discuss.
11. Civil rights and social movements in the Americas
Evaluate the reasons for the emergence and development of radical African American activism in the 1960s and 1970s.
Evaluate the factors that led to the emergence of a counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s in the Americas.
12. Into the 21st century—from the 1980s to 2000
Evaluate the impact of Reagan’s foreign policy on Latin America.
Discuss the social and economic effects of globalization on one country in the Americas during the period from 1980 to 2000.
2. Nation-building and challenges
Evaluate the main challenges to the establishment of political systems in the emerging nations of Latin America.
Evaluate the arguments used to oppose Canadian Confederation.
4. The development of modern nations 1865‑1929
Discuss the influence of neocolonialism in the development of two nations in the Americas between 1865 and 1929.
Evaluate the impact of “indigenismo” and nativism in Latin America in the period from 1865 to 1929.
9. Political developments in the Americas after the Second World War 1945‑79
Evaluate the extent to which the domestic policies of one Latin American leader during the period from 1945 to 1979 were populist.
Evaluate the impact of one military regime in Latin America between 1945 and 1979.
Note: Castro’s Cuba is not an appropriate example for this question.
10. The Cold War and the Americas 1945‑1981
Evaluate the reasons for, and the consequences of, Nixon’s covert operations in Chile.
“After 1945, the foreign policy of countries in the Americas was largely shaped by the Cold War.” Discuss with reference to either Canada or one Latin American country.