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7. The Great Depression and the Americas 1929‑39



This section focuses on the nature of the Depression as well as the different solutions adopted by governments in the region and the impact on these societies. The Great Depression produced the most serious economic collapse in the history of the Americas. It affected every country in the region and brought about the need to rethink economic and political systems. The alternatives that were offered and the adaptations that took place marked a watershed in political and economic development in many countries in the region.

With respect to the last two bullets, a case study approach should be adopted, using one country from the region as an example. The chosen country should be identified in the introduction to the examination answers.

Directly related questions

Sub sections and their related questions

The Great Depression and the arts: photography, the movie industry, the radio, literary currents


The Great Depression: political and economic causes in the Americas


Latin America’s responses to the Depression: either G Vargas or the Concordancia in Argentina; Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) or any relevant case study of a Latin American country


Nature and efficacy of solutions in the United States: Hoover; Franklin D Roosevelt and the New Deal; critics of the New Deal


Impact of the Great Depression on society: African Americans, women, minorities


Canada: Mackenzie King and RB Bennett
