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Date May 2009 Marks available 1 Reference code 09M.1.HL.TZ1.26
Level Higher level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 1
Command term Question number 26 Adapted from N/A


Ultra-violet light is shone on a zinc surface and photoelectrons are emitted. The sketch graph shows how the stopping potential \({V_s}\) varies with frequency \(f\).


Planck’s constant may be determined from the charge of an electron \(e\) multiplied by

A.     the \(x\)-intercept.

B.     the \(y\)-intercept.

C.     the gradient.

D.     the area under the graph.



Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Additional higher level (AHL) » Topic 12: Quantum and nuclear physics » 12.1 – The interaction of matter with radiation
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