DP Chemistry Questionbank

C.5 Environmental impact—global warming
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.11b: Discuss the significance of two greenhouse gases, other than carbon dioxide, in causing global...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ2.11a: Explain the molecular mechanism by which carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas.
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.9c: The concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere are much greater than those of...
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.9b: Formulate an equation that shows how aqueous carbon dioxide produces hydrogen ions, H+(aq).
- 18M.3.sl.TZ1.9a: Identify one naturally occurring greenhouse gas, other than carbon dioxide or water vapour, and...
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.13d: Outline how water and carbon dioxide absorb infrared radiation.
- 17N.3.sl.TZ0.13c: Climate change or global warming is a consequence of increased levels of carbon dioxide in the...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.14b.ii: Describe how large amounts of CO2 could reduce the pH of the ocean using an equation to support...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.14b.i: Oceans can act as a carbon sink, removing some CO2(g) from the atmosphere. CO2(g)...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ2.14a: Identify which region, A or B, corresponds to each type of radiation by completing the table.
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.17d: Many combustion processes also release particulate matter into the atmosphere. Suggest, giving...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.17c: Outline, giving the appropriate equation(s), how increasing levels of carbon dioxide will affect...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.17b: Carbon dioxide has two different bond stretching modes illustrated below. Predict, with an...
- 17M.3.sl.TZ1.17a: Suggest why it is only in recent years that specific predictions of the future effects of fossil...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.13b: (i) Describe the changes that occur at the molecular level when atmospheric carbon dioxide gas...
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.13a: Explain the effect of the increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the acidity...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.15: Carbon dioxide, CO2, is a greenhouse gas. Outline, in molecular terms, how carbon dioxide...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.14: Atmospheric carbon dioxide and aqueous carbon dioxide in the oceans form a heterogeneous...
- 16M.3.sl.TZ0.12c: Scientists around the world conduct research into alternatives to fossil fuels. Suggest why...
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.22b.ii: Suggest two factors that influence the relative greenhouse effect of a gas.
- 15M.3.hl.TZ2.22b.i: Describe on a molecular level how the greenhouse effect occurs.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.19a.ii: Suggest the two factors that influence the relative greenhouse effect of a gas.
- 15M.3.sl.TZ2.19a.i: Water and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases present in significant quantities in the...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.14a: Describe how these gases contribute to the greenhouse effect.
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.14b: (i) Identify by chemical formula one other greenhouse gas not mentioned above. (ii) ...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ1.14c: Many scientists claim that global warming is associated with the increasing concentration of...
- 14M.3.sl.TZ2.14: Suggest why the temperature decrease of the Earth’s surface after sunset is less when the weather...
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.19a: Describe how the greenhouse effect causes the atmosphere of the Earth to increase in temperature.
- 14N.3.sl.TZ0.19b: Identify one greenhouse gas other than \({\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\) and...
- 13M.3.sl.TZ1.E1a: Identify a gas that is both a greenhouse gas and a cause of ozone depletion.
- 13M.3.sl.TZ2.C1c: The worldwide production of aluminium by electrolysis makes a significant impact on global...
- 10N.3.sl.TZ0.A2b: Explain what happens at a molecular level during the absorption of IR radiation by carbon...
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.E1a: Describe how carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas.
- 09N.3.sl.TZ0.E1b: Discuss the influence of increasing amounts of greenhouse gases on the environment.
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.A4: (a) Explain why the nitrogen molecule, \({{\text{N}}_2}\), does not absorb infrared...
- 10M.3.sl.TZ2.E1: (a) Major greenhouse gases are water vapour and carbon dioxide. State two other greenhouse...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.A1b: Explain what occurs at a molecular level during the absorption of infrared (IR) radiation by the...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.E1a: Two of the major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are methane and carbon dioxide. State two...
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.E1b: Discuss which two gases from the four gases in part (a) are the most significant for global warming.
- 09M.3.sl.TZ1.E1c: Discuss two effects of global warming.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.E1a: Identify two greenhouse gases not mentioned above. One of the gases that you identify should...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.E1d: State one effect of global warming.
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.E1b: The methane produced by sheep and cows can contribute to global warming. In Australia, it is...
- 11M.3.sl.TZ2.E1c: The following graph shows the annual increase in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.E1c: Other than carbon dioxide and water, identify one other greenhouse gas and state its source.
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.E1a: Explain how the interaction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere with radiation could lead to an...
- 12M.3.sl.TZ1.E1b: Suggest why carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas most frequently connected with the effect of...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.A2a: One type of molecular vibration that occurs when \({\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\) molecules...
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.E2a: Explain how this enhanced greenhouse effect causes the average temperature of the Earth to increase.
- 11N.3.sl.TZ0.E2b: Compare the contributions of carbon dioxide and methane to the enhanced greenhouse effect.