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Date May 2022 Marks available 6 Reference code 22M.2.AHL.TZ2.10
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Find Question number 10 Adapted from N/A


A scientist conducted a nine-week experiment on two plants, A and B, of the same species. He wanted to determine the effect of using a new plant fertilizer. Plant A was given fertilizer regularly, while Plant B was not.

The scientist found that the height of Plant A, hA cm, at time t weeks can be modelled by the function hA(t)=sin(2t+6)+9t+27, where 0t9.

The scientist found that the height of Plant B, hB cm, at time t weeks can be modelled by the function hB(t)=8t+32, where 0t9.

Use the scientist’s models to find the initial height of

Plant B.


Plant A correct to three significant figures.


Find the values of t when hAt=hBt.


For t>6, prove that Plant A was always taller than Plant B.


For 0t9, find the total amount of time when the rate of growth of Plant B was greater than the rate of growth of Plant A.



32 (cm)          A1


[1 mark]


hA0=sin6+27          (M1)


=26.7 (cm)          A1


[2 marks]


attempts to solve hAt=hBt for t          (M1)


t=4.01,4.70,5.88 (weeks)          A2


[3 marks]


hAt-hBt=sin2t+6+t-5          A1


for t>6, t-5>1          A1

and as sin2t+6-1hAt-hBt>0          R1


the minimum value of sin2t+6=-1          R1

so for t>6, hAt-hBt=t-6>0          A1


hence for t>6, Plant A was always taller than Plant B          AG


[3 marks]


recognises that hA't and hB't are required          (M1)

attempts to solve hA't=hB't for t          (M1)

t=1.18879 and 2.23598  OR  4.33038 and 5.37758   OR  7.47197 and 8.51917          (A1)


Note: Award full marks for t=4π3-3, 5π3-3, 7π3-3, 8π3-3 10π3-3, 11π3-3.

Award subsequent marks for correct use of these exact values.


1.18879<t<2.23598  OR  4.33038<t<5.37758  OR 7.47197<t<8.51917          (A1)

attempts to calculate the total amount of time          (M1)

32.2359-1.1887  =35π3-3-4π3-3

=3.14 =π (weeks)          A1


[6 marks]


Examiners report

Part (a) In general, very well done, most students scored full marks. Some though had an incorrect answer for part(a)(ii) because they had their GDC in degrees.

Part (b) Well attempted. Some accuracy errors and not all candidates listed all three values.

Part (c) Most students tried a graphical approach (but this would only get them one out of three marks) and only some provided a convincing algebraic justification. Many candidates tried to explain in words without a convincing mathematical justification or used numerical calculations with specific time values. Some arrived at the correct simplified equation for the difference in heights but could not do much with it. Then only a few provided a correct mathematical proof.

Part (d) In general, well attempted by many candidates. The common error was giving the answer as 3.15 due to the pre-mature rounding. Some candidates only provided the values of time when the rates are equal, some intervals rather than the total time.


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