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Date November 2019 Marks available 3 Reference code 19N.2.SL.TZ0.S_1
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Write down Question number S_1 Adapted from N/A


The number of messages, M , that six randomly selected teenagers sent during the month of October is shown in the following table. The table also shows the time, T , that they spent talking on their phone during the same month.

The relationship between the variables can be modelled by the regression equation M = a T + b .

Write down the value of a and of b .


Use your regression equation to predict the number of messages sent by a teenager that spent 154 minutes talking on their phone in October.



evidence of set up             (M1)

eg      correct value for a or b (accept r = 0.966856 )

4.30161 , 163.330

a = 4.30 , b = 163   (accept y = 4.30 x + 163 )        A1A1 N3

[3 marks]


valid approach           (M1)

eg      4.30 ( 154 ) + 163

eg       825.778   ( 825.2  from 3 sf values)           (A1)

number of messages = 826  (must be an integer)         A1  N3

[3 marks]


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Topic 4—Statistics and probability » SL 4.4—Pearsons, scatter diagrams, eqn of y on x
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