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Date November 2016 Marks available 5 Reference code 16N.2.SL.TZ0.S_7
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Find Question number S_7 Adapted from N/A


A jar contains 5 red discs, 10 blue discs and m green discs. A disc is selected at random and replaced. This process is performed four times.

Write down the probability that the first disc selected is red.


Let X be the number of red discs selected. Find the smallest value of m for which Var ( X   ) < 0.6 .



* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain minor differences in marking or structure.

P(red) = 5 15 + m      A1     N1

[1 mark]


recognizing binomial distribution     (M1)

eg X B ( n ,   p )

correct value for the complement of their p (seen anywhere)     A1

eg 1 5 15 + m ,   10 + m 15 + m

correct substitution into Var ( X ) = n p ( 1 p )     (A1)

eg 4 ( 5 15 + m ) ( 10 + m 15 + m ) ,   20 ( 10 + m ) ( 15 + m ) 2 < 0.6

m > 12.2075     (A1)

m = 13      A1     N3

[5 marks]


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Topic 4—Statistics and probability » SL 4.7—Discrete random variables
Show 90 related questions
Topic 4—Statistics and probability » SL 4.8—Binomial distribution
Topic 4—Statistics and probability

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