DP Physics Questionbank

7.2 – Nuclear reactions
Nature of science:
Patterns, trends and discrepancies: Graphs of binding energy per nucleon and of neutron number versus proton number reveal unmistakable patterns. This allows scientists to make predictions of isotope characteristics based on these graphs. (3.1)
- The unified atomic mass unit
- Mass defect and nuclear binding energy
- Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
Applications and skills:
- Solving problems involving mass defect and binding energy
- Solving problems involving the energy released in radioactive decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
- Sketching and interpreting the general shape of the curve of average binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number
- Students must be able to calculate changes in terms of mass or binding energy
- Binding energy may be defined in terms of energy required to completely separate the nucleons or the energy released when a nucleus is formed from its nucleons
Data booklet reference:
Theory of knowledge:
- The acceptance that mass and energy are equivalent was a major paradigm shift in physics. How have other paradigm shifts changed the direction of science? Have there been similar paradigm shifts in other areas of knowledge?
- Our understanding of the energetics of the nucleus has led to ways to produce electricity from nuclei but also to the development of very destructive weapons
- The chemistry of nuclear reactions (see Chemistry option sub-topics C.3 and C.7)
- Aim 5: some of the issues raised by the use of nuclear power transcend national boundaries and require the collaboration of scientists from many different nations
- Aim 8: the development of nuclear power and nuclear weapons raises very serious moral and ethical questions: who should be allowed to possess nuclear power and nuclear weapons and who should make these decisions? There are also serious environmental issues associated with the nuclear waste of nuclear power plants.
Directly related questions
- 16N.1.SL.TZ0.26: The mass defect for deuterium is 4×10–30 kg. What is the binding energy of deuterium? A....
When an alpha particle collides with a nucleus of nitrogen-14 , a nucleus X can be produced together with a proton. What is X?
Carbon-14 (C-14) is a radioactive isotope which undergoes beta minus (β–) decay to the stable isotope nitrogen-14 (N-14). Energy is released during this decay. Explain why the mass of a C-14 nucleus and the mass of a N-14 nucleus are slightly different even though they have the same nucleon number.
- 17M.1.SL.TZ1.15: Two pulses are travelling towards each other. What is a possible pulse shape when the pulses...
What is the energy equivalent to the mass of one proton?
A. 9.38 × (3 × 108)2 × 106 J
B. 9.38 × (3 × 108)2 × 1.6 × 10–19 J
C. J
D. 9.38 × 108 × 1.6 × 10–19 J
What is the definition of the unified atomic mass unit?
A. the mass of a neutral atom of carbon-12
B. The mass of a neutral atom of hydrogen-1
C. the mass of a nucleus of carbon-12
D. The mass of a nucleus of hydrogen-1
In nuclear fission, a nucleus of element X absorbs a neutron (n) to give a nucleus of element Y and a nucleus of element Z.
X + n → Y + Z + 2n
What is and ?
The binding energy per nucleon of is 6 MeV. What is the energy required to separate the nucleons of this nucleus?
A. 24 MeV
B. 42 MeV
C. 66 MeV
D. 90 MeV
In the nuclear reaction X + Y → Z + W, involving nuclides X, Y, Z and W, energy is released. Which is correct about the masses (M) and the binding energies (BE) of the nuclides?
The mass of nuclear fuel in a nuclear reactor decreases at the rate of every hour. The overall reaction process has an efficiency of . What is the maximum power output of the reactor?
- 20N.2.SL.TZ0.6a(ii): Outline why quantities such as atomic mass and nuclear binding energy are often expressed in...
Show that the energy released in the reaction is about .
- 20N.2.SL.TZ0.6a(i): State what is meant by binding energy of a nucleus.
- 20N.2.HL.TZ0.6a(i): State what is meant by binding energy of a nucleus.
- 20N.2.HL.TZ0.6a(ii): Outline why quantities such as atomic mass and nuclear binding energy are often expressed in...
Show that the energy released in the reaction is about .
- 17N.1.SL.TZ0.24: What gives the total change in nuclear mass and the change in nuclear binding energy as a...
- 21M.2.HL.TZ1.7d.i: Outline why high temperatures are required for fusion to occur.
- 21M.2.HL.TZ1.7d.ii: Outline, with reference to the graph, why energy is released both in fusion and in fission.
Uranium-235 is used as a nuclear fuel. The fission of uranium-235 can produce krypton-89 and barium-144.
Determine, in MeV and using the graph, the energy released by this fission.
- 21M.1.HL.TZ1.22: In a hydrogen atom, the sum of the masses of a proton and of an electron is larger than the mass...
- 21M.1.SL.TZ1.25: What is the relation between the value of the unified atomic mass unit in grams and the value of...
During the nuclear fission of nucleus X into nucleus Y and nucleus Z, energy is released. The binding energies per nucleon of X, Y and Z are , and respectively. What is true about the binding energy per nucleon of X, Y and Z?
A. > and >B. = and =
C. > and >
D. = +
- 21M.2.SL.TZ1.5c.i: Outline why high temperatures are required for fusion to occur
- 21M.2.SL.TZ1.5c.ii: Outline, with reference to the graph, why energy is released both in fusion and in fission.
Uranium-235 () is used as a nuclear fuel. The fission of uranium-235 can produce krypton-89 and barium-144.
Determine, in MeV and using the graph, the energy released by this fission.
The average binding energy per nucleon of the nucleus is 7.5 MeV. What is the total energy required to separate the nucleons of one nucleus of ?
A. 53 MeV
B. 60 MeV
C. 113 MeV
D. 173 MeV
- 18M.1.SL.TZ2.26: A graph of the variation of average binding energy per nucleon with nucleon number has a maximum....
State what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus.
Show that the energy released in the β– decay of rhodium is about 3 MeV.
The mass of a nucleus of iron-56 () is M.
What is the mass defect of the nucleus of iron-56?
A. M − 26mp − 56mn
B. 26mp + 30mn − M
C. M − 26mp − 56mn − 26me
D. 26mp + 30mn + 26me − M
- 21N.2.SL.TZ0.5a.i: State what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus.
Draw, on the axes, a graph to show the variation with nucleon number of the binding energy per nucleon, . Numbers are not required on the vertical axis.
Identify, with a cross, on the graph in (a)(ii), the region of greatest stability.
Show that the energy released in this decay is about 6 MeV.
The plutonium nucleus is at rest when it decays.
Calculate the ratio .
Identify, with a cross, on the graph in (a)(ii), the region of greatest stability.
The plutonium nucleus is at rest when it decays.
Calculate the ratio .
Draw, on the axes, a graph to show the variation with nucleon number of the binding energy per nucleon, . Numbers are not required on the vertical axis.
- 21N.2.HL.TZ0.4a.i: State what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus.
Show that the energy released in this decay is about 6 MeV.
- 18N.1.SL.TZ0.25: The graph shows the variation of the number of neutrons N with the atomic number Z for stable...
A neutron is absorbed by a nucleus of uranium-235. One possible outcome is the production of two nuclides, barium-144 and krypton-89.
How many neutrons are released in this reaction?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
- 19M.2.SL.TZ2.6ci: Identify, for particle Y, the charge.
- 19M.2.SL.TZ2.6bi: Determine, in MeV, the energy released.
- 19M.2.SL.TZ2.6cii: Identify, for particle Y, the strangeness.
Identify particle X.
- 19M.2.SL.TZ2.6bii: Suggest why, for the fusion reaction above to take place, the temperature of deuterium must be...
The positions of stable nuclei are plotted by neutron number n and proton number p. The graph indicates a dotted line for which n = p. Which graph shows the line of stable nuclides and the shaded region where unstable nuclei emit beta minus (β-) particles?
The rest mass of the helium isotope is m.
Which expression gives the binding energy per nucleon for ?
Which property of a nuclide does not change as a result of beta decay?
A. Nucleon number
B. Neutron number
C. Proton number
D. Charge
Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for uranium-238.
Calculate the ratio .