DP Chemistry Questionbank

C.2 Fossil fuels
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[N/A]Directly related questions
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.12a: Discuss how the octane number changes with the molecular structure of the alkanes.
- 16N.3.sl.TZ0.12b: Catalytic reforming and cracking reactions are used to produce more efficient fuels. Deduce the...
Outline how the carbon monoxide is then converted to a hydrocarbon fuel.
State how these gases are produced, giving the appropriate equation(s).
The Fischer-Tropsch process, an indirect coal liquefaction method, converts CO(g) and H2(g) to larger molecular weight hydrocarbons and steam.
Deduce the equation for the production of octane by this process.
Suggest a reason why syngas may be considered a viable alternative to crude oil.
Suggest an equation for the production of syngas from coal.
A mixture of gasoline and ethanol is often used as a fuel. Suggest an advantage of such a mixture over the use of pure gasoline. Exclude any discussion of cost.
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using biodiesel instead of gasoline as fuel for a car. Exclude any discussion of cost.
- 20N.3.sl.TZ0.9b: State a class of organic compounds found in gasoline.
- 20N.3.hl.TZ0.11d: A mixture of gasoline and ethanol is often used as a fuel. Suggest an advantage of such a mixture...
- 20N.3.hl.TZ0.11b: State a class of organic compounds found in gasoline.
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using biodiesel instead of gasoline as fuel for a car. Exclude any discussion of cost.
“Knocking” in an automobile (car) engine can be prevented by increasing the octane number of the fuel. Explain, including an equation with structural formulas, how heptane, C7H16, could be chemically converted to increase its octane number.
Many like to refer to our “carbon footprint”. Outline one difficulty in quantifying such a concept.
Identify an element, other than carbon and hydrogen, found at significant concentrations in fossil fuels.
Petroleum contains many hydrocarbons. Explain how these are separated by fractional distillation.
Outline how higher octane fuels help eliminate “knocking” in engines.
Formulate an equation for the cracking of C16H34 into two products with eight carbon atoms each.
Identify, giving a reason, which product in (b)(i) could be used in petrol (gasoline).
The performance of hydrocarbons as fuels can be improved by catalytic reforming.
Outline how catalytic reforming increases a fuel’s octane rating.
Formulate equation(s) for the conversion of coal and steam to methane.
Formulate equation(s) for the conversion of coal and steam to methane.
Calculate the mass, in kg, of carbon dioxide produced by the complete combustion of 72.0 dm3 octane, C8H18.
Density of C8H18 = 703 g dm−3
C8H18 (l) + 12.5O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) + 9H2O (g)
Calculate the mass, in kg, of carbon dioxide produced by the complete combustion of 72.0 dm3 octane, C8H18.
Density of C8H18 = 703 g dm−3
C8H18 (l) + 12.5O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) + 9H2O (g)
Methane can also be obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil.
[Source: Image used with kind permission of science-resources.co.uk]
Draw a circle on the diagram to show where the methane fraction is withdrawn.
List the following products, which are also obtained by fractional distillation, according to decreasing volatility: asphalt, diesel, gasoline, lubricating motor oil.
Ethanol has a Research Octane Number (RON) of 108.6.
Outline how higher octane fuels affect engine performance.
Crude oil can be converted into fuels by fractional distillation and cracking.
Contrast these two processes.
Hydrocarbons need treatment to increase their octane number to prevent pre-ignition (knocking) before they can be used in internal combustion engines.
Describe how this is carried out and the molecular changes that take place.
Methane can also be obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil.
Draw a circle on the diagram to show where the methane fraction is withdrawn.
Ethanol has a Research Octane Number (RON) of 108.6.
Outline how higher octane fuels affect engine performance.
List the following products, which are also obtained by fractional distillation, according to decreasing volatility: asphalt, diesel, gasoline, lubricating motor oil.
Show that, for combustion of equal masses of fuel, ethanol (Mr = 46 g mol−1) has a lower carbon footprint than octane (Mr = 114 g mol−1).
Hydrocarbons need treatment to increase their octane number to prevent pre-ignition (knocking) before they can be used in internal combustion engines.
Describe how this is carried out and the molecular changes that take place.
Crude oil can be converted into fuels by fractional distillation and cracking.
Contrast these two processes.
- 19N.3.sl.TZ0.12b(ii): The 1H NMR spectrum of one of the products has four signals. The integration trace shows a ratio...
- 19N.3.sl.TZ0.12b(i): Reforming reactions are used to increase the octane number of a hydrocarbon fuel. Suggest the...
Outline the evidence that relates global warming to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
- 19N.3.sl.TZ0.12a: Suggest why a high-octane number fuel is preferable.