DP Chemistry Questionbank

A.5 Polymers
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[N/A]Directly related questions
(i) Suggest why incomplete combustion of plastic, such as polyvinyl chloride, is common in industrial and house fires.
(ii) Phthalate plasticizers such as DEHP, shown below, are frequently used in polyvinyl chloride.
With reference to bonding, suggest a reason why many adults have measurable levels of phthalates in their bodies.
(i) Draw the structure of 2-methylpropene.
(ii) Deduce the repeating unit of poly(2-methylpropene).
Deduce the percentage atom economy for polymerization of 2-methylpropene.
Below are the IR spectra of two plastics (A and B); one is PETE, the other is low density polyethene (LDPE).
Deduce, giving your reasons, the identity and resin identification code (RIC) of A and B using sections 26 and 30 of the data booklet.
Describe the difference in their structures.
Explain why the difference in their structures affects their melting points.
Explain how the structure of plasticizers enables them to soften PVC.
Suggest a reason why nanoparticles can better anchor plasticizers in the polymer.
Estimate the atom economy of this first step.
- 20N.3.sl.TZ0.3b(i): Thermoplastic composites are increasingly replacing thermosets. Suggest one advantage of...
- 20N.3.sl.TZ0.3c: Explain why phthalates are replaced by other plasticizers in the production of plastics.
- 20N.3.sl.TZ0.3b(ii): Explain how thermoplastics, such as polyvinylchloride, PVC, can be made more flexible by the...
- 20N.3.hl.TZ0.3b(iii): Explain why phthalates are replaced by other plasticizers in the production of plastics.
- 20N.3.hl.TZ0.3b(i): Thermoplastic composites are increasingly replacing thermosets. Suggest one advantage of...
- 20N.3.hl.TZ0.3b(ii): Explain how thermoplastics, such as polyvinylchloride, PVC, can be made more flexible by the...
Describe how the structures of LDPE and HDPE affect one mechanical property of the plastics.
Deduce, giving a reason, whether the atom economy of a condensation polymerization, such as this, would be greater or less than an addition polymerization, such as the formation of HDPE.
Both of these are thermoplastic polymers. Outline what this term means.
Compare and contrast the structures of HDPE and LDPE.
State one way in which a physical property of HDPE, other than density, differs from that of LDPE as a result of this structural difference.
Sketch four repeating units of the polymer to show atactic and isotactic polypropene.
Structures of poly(methyl acrylate), PMA, and Bakelite® are shown.
Suggest, giving reasons, which is the thermoplastic polymer and which is the thermosetting polymer.
Structures of poly(methyl acrylate), PMA, and Bakelite® are shown.
Suggest, giving reasons, which is the thermoplastic polymer and which is the thermosetting polymer.
Suggest, giving a reason, how elastomers used for the tyre tread can increase the traction between the tyre and the road.
Draw a section of isotactic polychloroethene (polyvinylchloride, PVC) showing all the atoms and all the bonds of four monomer units.
Explain how plasticizers affect the properties of plastics.
Suggest, giving a reason, how elastomers used for the tyre tread can increase the traction between the tyre and the road.
Draw a section of isotactic polychloroethene (polyvinylchloride, PVC) showing all the atoms and all the bonds of four monomer units.
Explain how plasticizers affect the properties of plastics.
- 19N.3.sl.TZ0.4c: Polypropene is a thermoplastic. Outline what is meant by thermoplastic.
- 19N.3.sl.TZ0.4d: Discuss why the recycling of plastics is an energy intensive process.
Draw a section of an isotactic polypropene polymer chain containing four repeating units.
- 19N.3.sl.TZ0.4b: Predict, with a reason, whether isotactic or atactic polypropene has the higher melting point.
- 19N.3.hl.TZ0.5b: State and explain why plasticizers are added to polymers.