DP History Questionbank

8: The French Revolution and Napoleon I (1774–1815)
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- Crisis of the Ancien Régime: role of the monarchy, specifically Louis XVI; intellectual, political, social, financial and economic challenges
- Monarchy to republic: causes and significance of the Revolution; the 1791 Constitution; the fate of the monarchy; the terror; Robespierre; the Thermidorean reaction
- The political, social and economic impact of the Revolution; French revolutionary wars (1792–1799)
- Establishment of, nature of, and collapse of the Directory (1795–1799)
- Rise and rule of Napoleon (1799–1815); impact of Napoleon’s domestic and foreign policies on France
- Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815); collapse of the Napoleonic Empire; military defeat; the Hundred Days
Directly related questions
- 17M.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: Evaluate the reasons for French success in the Revolutionary Wars of 1792 to 1799.
Discuss the reasons for Napoleon’s rise to political power by 1799.
“The Revolution had a significant social and economic impact up to 1799.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: To what extent was Louis XVI responsible for the end of the monarchy in 1792?
Discuss the social and economic impact of the Revolution in France.
Evaluate the reasons for Napoleon’s military defeat.
“The opposition of Britain was the most significant factor in the collapse of Napoleon I’s empire.” Discuss.
- 21M.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: “Fear of foreign intervention had a great impact on the French Revolution.” Discuss with...
Evaluate the success of the Directory (1795–1799) in bringing stability to France.
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: “The French Revolution was caused by financial and economic challenges”. To what extent do you...
Discuss the reasons why France became a republic, with reference to the period 1789–1792.
“Napoleon I’s domestic policies had a significant impact on French society.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.16: Evaluate the impact of Napoleon I’s foreign policies on France.
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: Evaluate the impact of Robespierre on the French Revolution.
“Social inequality was the main cause of the French Revolution of 1789.” Discuss.
Examine the reasons for the failure of the Directory and the rise of Napoleon I.
- 19M.3op4.HL.TZ0.16: Examine the impact of the domestic policies of Napoleon I on France.
Evaluate the reasons for the Thermidorean reaction.
“Napoleon’s military reputation was the most important factor in his rise to political power.” Discuss.
“Economic rather than political challenges caused a crisis in the Ancien Régime by 1789.” Discuss.
Sub sections and their related questions
Crisis of the Ancien Régime: role of the monarchy, specifically Louis XVI; intellectual, political, social, financial and economic challenges
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: “The French Revolution was caused by financial and economic challenges”. To what extent do you...
“Economic rather than political challenges caused a crisis in the Ancien Régime by 1789.” Discuss.
Monarchy to republic: causes and significance of the Revolution; the 1791 Constitution; the fate of the monarchy; the terror; Robespierre; the Thermidorean reaction
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: Evaluate the impact of Robespierre on the French Revolution.
Evaluate the reasons for the Thermidorean reaction.
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: To what extent was Louis XVI responsible for the end of the monarchy in 1792?
Discuss the reasons why France became a republic, with reference to the period 1789–1792.
“Social inequality was the main cause of the French Revolution of 1789.” Discuss.
The political, social and economic impact of the Revolution; French revolutionary wars (1792–1799)
- 17M.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: Evaluate the reasons for French success in the Revolutionary Wars of 1792 to 1799.
Discuss the social and economic impact of the Revolution in France.
“The Revolution had a significant social and economic impact up to 1799.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 21M.3op4.HL.TZ0.15: “Fear of foreign intervention had a great impact on the French Revolution.” Discuss with...
Establishment of, nature of, and collapse of the Directory (1795–1799)
Evaluate the success of the Directory (1795–1799) in bringing stability to France.
Examine the reasons for the failure of the Directory and the rise of Napoleon I.
Rise and rule of Napoleon (1799–1815); impact of Napoleon’s domestic and foreign policies on France
Discuss the reasons for Napoleon’s rise to political power by 1799.
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.16: Evaluate the impact of Napoleon I’s foreign policies on France.
- 19M.3op4.HL.TZ0.16: Examine the impact of the domestic policies of Napoleon I on France.
“Napoleon’s military reputation was the most important factor in his rise to political power.” Discuss.
“Napoleon I’s domestic policies had a significant impact on French society.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815); collapse of the Napoleonic Empire; military defeat; the Hundred Days
Evaluate the reasons for Napoleon’s military defeat.
“The opposition of Britain was the most significant factor in the collapse of Napoleon I’s empire.” Discuss.