DP Mathematics HL Questionbank

Walks, trails, paths, circuits, cycles.
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Write down an Eulerian trail in G.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a.ii: State what feature of G ensures that G does not have an Eulerian circuit.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a.i: State what feature of G ensures that G has an Eulerian trail.
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: What information about G is contained in the diagonal elements of M2 ?
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: List the trails of length 4 starting at A and ending at C.
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Does this graph have an Eulerian circuit? Justify your answer. (ii) Does this graph...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Determine if any Hamiltonian cycles exist in G . If so, write one down. Otherwise,...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Explain what feature of G enables you to state that it has an Eulerian trail and write down a trail.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Explain what feature of G enables you to state it does not have an Eulerian circuit.
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: (i) Explain briefly why the graph contains an Eulerian trail but not an Eulerian...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Consider the following graph, M. (i) Show that M is planar. (ii) Explain why M is not...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: The following figure shows the floor plan of a museum. (a) (i) Draw a graph G that...