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Date November 2012 Marks available 6 Reference code 12N.3.HL.TZ0.6
Level Higher level Paper Paper 3 Time zone TZ0
Command term Explain Question number 6 Adapted from N/A


Explain how the structures of the human ear allow for sound perception.


eardrum/tympanic membrane vibrates with sound (waves);
movements of eardrum/tympanic membrane amplified by bones of middle ear/stapes;
bones are malleus/hammer, incus/anvil, stapes/stirrup;
movement transmitted to oval window;
creates pressure waves in the liquid within cochlea;
waves travel up to/dissipate at round window;
hairs in cochlea vibrate according to movement (of liquid/waves);
different frequencies detected by different hair cells (on different parts of membrane);
movement of hairs cause action potential/depolarization/hyperpolarization of hair cells;
cause nerve impulses to be transmitted through auditory nerve;

Examiners report

The majority of candidates scored very well for this question, although some answers could have been clearer.

Syllabus sections

Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour » Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour (Core topics) » A.3 Perception of stimuli
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