DP Psychology Questionbank

Substance abuse, addictive behaviour and obesity
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Explain factors related to the development of substance abuse or addictive behaviour.
Examine prevention strategies and treatments for substance abuse and addictive behaviour (for example, Alcoholics Anonymous, family therapy, drugs and biopsychosocial treatments).
Discuss factors related to overeating and the development of obesity.
Discuss prevention strategies and treatments for overeating and obesity.
Directly related questions
16N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.8:
Evaluate one or more treatments for obesity.
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.9:
Explain two or more factors related to the development of substance abuse and/or addictive behaviour.
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.8:
Discuss two or more factors related to overeating and the development of obesity.
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.09:
Evaluate one or more prevention strategies for obesity.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.9:
Discuss two or more factors related to overeating and the development of obesity.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.8:
Examine one or more prevention strategies for substance abuse and/or addictive behaviour.
Sub sections and their related questions
Discuss factors related to overeating and the development of obesity
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.8:
Discuss two or more factors related to overeating and the development of obesity.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.9:
Discuss two or more factors related to overeating and the development of obesity.
Discuss prevention strategies and treatments for overeating and obesity
16N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.8:
Evaluate one or more treatments for obesity.
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.09:
Evaluate one or more prevention strategies for obesity.
Explain factors related to the development of substance abuse or addictive behaviour
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.9:
Explain two or more factors related to the development of substance abuse and/or addictive behaviour.