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Date May 2022 Marks available 5 Reference code 22M.1.SL.TZ2.5
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 1 (without calculator) Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Find Question number 5 Adapted from N/A


Find the least positive value of x for which cosx2+π3=12.


determines π4 (or 45°) as the first quadrant (reference) angle           (A1)

attempts to solve x2+π3=π4           (M1)


Note: Award M1 for attempting to solve x2+π3=π4,7π4,


x2+π3=π4x<0 and so π4 is rejected           (R1)

x2+π3=2π-π4 =7π4           A1

x=17π6  (must be in radians)           A1


[5 marks]

Examiners report

This question proved to be a struggle for many candidates, and some candidates made no attempt here. While a good number of candidates recognized the reference angle of π4, this led to a final answer of x=-π6, which many left as their final answer. In other cases, some candidates heeded the requirement that x must be a positive value, however they gave an incorrect final answer of x=11π6. Few candidates correctly rejected their initial reference angle of π4 and correctly solved an equation using x2+π3=7π4.

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