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Date May 2021 Marks available 1 Reference code 21M.2.AHL.TZ1.9
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 1
Command term Show that Question number 9 Adapted from N/A


Two boats A and B travel due north.

Initially, boat B is positioned 50 metres due east of boat A.

The distances travelled by boat A and boat B, after t seconds, are x metres and y metres respectively. The angle θ is the radian measure of the bearing of boat B from boat A. This information is shown on the following diagram.

Show that y=x+50cotθ .


At time T, the following conditions are true.

Boat B has travelled 10 metres further than boat A.
Boat B is travelling at double the speed of boat A.
The rate of change of the angle θ is -0.1 radians per second.

Find the speed of boat A at time T.



tanθ=50y-x  OR  cotθ=y-x50        A1

y=x+50cotθ        AG


Note: y-x may be identified as a length on a diagram, and not written explicitly.


[1 mark]


attempt to differentiate with respect to t         (M1)

dydt=dxdt-50cosecθ2dθdt        A1

attempt to set speed of B equal to double the speed of A        (M1)


dxdt=-50cosecθ2dθdt        A1

θ=arctan5=1.373=78.69°  OR  cosec2θ=1+cot2θ=1+152=2625        (A1)


Note: This A1 can be awarded independently of previous marks.



So the speed of boat A is 5.2ms-1        A1


Note: Accept 5.20 from the use of inexact values.


[6 marks]


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