DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Questionbank

D.4. Nutritional strategies
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 20N.3.SL.tz0.12a: Outline the possible long-term consequences of consuming excessive protein in the diet.
Evaluate the use of caffeine-free sports drinks in a team sport.
- 20N.3.SL.tz0.12b: Discuss recommendations for the consumption of high and low GI foods before and after a soccer...
- 17N.3.SL.tz0.18: Describe one strategy to increase muscle glycogen for an endurance runner preparing for a marathon.
- 16M.3.SL.tz0.14b: Discuss the implications of training on the recommended protein intake for athletes.
- 16M.3.SL.tz0.14a: Define the term glycemic index.
- 16N.3.SL.tz0.11d: Explain the benefits of the use of creatine as a nutritional ergogenic aid in sport.
- 16N.3.SL.tz0.11c: Describe the possible harmful effects of excessive protein intake on an Olympic weightlifter.
- 17M.3.SL.tz0.15a: Describe the use of creatine as a ergogenic aid in sport.
List two sources of protein, one for a vegetarian and one for a non-vegetarian diet.
1. Vegetarian diet
2. Non-vegetarian diet
Suggest the use of low and high glycemic index (GI) foods for consumption by a triathlete before and during a race.
List two foods with a low glycemic index.
Evaluate the consumption of carbohydrate gel during the soccer match.
State what happened to the speed of participants between 90 and 105 minutes for the group who consumed the carbohydrate gel.
Calculate the difference in precision between the carbohydrate gel and placebo gel conditions at 120 minutes.
Define glycemic index.
Discuss how an athlete can adjust carbohydrate intake and training load in the week prior to an event in order to maximise endurance performance.
Define glycemic index (GI).
With reference to glycemic index (GI), discuss the type of food recommended for consumption before and after an endurance race.
- 19N.3.HL:.tz0.14b: Explain glycogen use in type I and type II muscle fibres during exercise at low and high...
Define glycemic index (GI).
Sub sections and their related questions
D.4.1. State the approximate glycogen content of specific skeletal muscle fibre types.
NoneD.4.2. Describe, with reference to exercise intensity, typical athletic activities requiring high rates of muscle glycogen utilization.
NoneD.4.3. Discuss the pattern of muscle glycogen use in skeletal muscle fibre types during exercise of various intensities.
- 19N.3.HL:.tz0.14b: Explain glycogen use in type I and type II muscle fibres during exercise at low and high...
D.4.4. Define the term glycemic index (GI).
- 16M.3.SL.tz0.14a: Define the term glycemic index.
Define glycemic index.
Define glycemic index (GI).
Define glycemic index (GI).
D.4.5. List food with low and high glycemic indexes.
List two foods with a low glycemic index.
D.4.6. Explain the relevance of GI with regard to carbohydrate consumption by athletes pre- and post-competition.
Suggest the use of low and high glycemic index (GI) foods for consumption by a triathlete before and during a race.
With reference to glycemic index (GI), discuss the type of food recommended for consumption before and after an endurance race.
- 20N.3.SL.tz0.12b: Discuss recommendations for the consumption of high and low GI foods before and after a soccer...
D.4.7. Discuss the interaction of carbohydrate loading and training programme modification prior to competition.
Discuss how an athlete can adjust carbohydrate intake and training load in the week prior to an event in order to maximise endurance performance.
- 17N.3.SL.tz0.18: Describe one strategy to increase muscle glycogen for an endurance runner preparing for a marathon.
D.4.8. State the reasons for adding sodium and carbohydrate to water for the endurance athlete.
NoneD.4.9. Discuss the use of nutritional ergogenic aids in sports.
- 17M.3.SL.tz0.15a: Describe the use of creatine as a ergogenic aid in sport.
State what happened to the speed of participants between 90 and 105 minutes for the group who consumed the carbohydrate gel.
Calculate the difference in precision between the carbohydrate gel and placebo gel conditions at 120 minutes.
Evaluate the consumption of carbohydrate gel during the soccer match.
- 16N.3.SL.tz0.11d: Explain the benefits of the use of creatine as a nutritional ergogenic aid in sport.
Evaluate the use of caffeine-free sports drinks in a team sport.
D.4.10. State the daily recommended intake of protein for adult male and female non-athletes.
NoneD.4.11. List sources of protein for vegetarian and non- vegetarian athletes.
List two sources of protein, one for a vegetarian and one for a non-vegetarian diet.
1. Vegetarian diet
2. Non-vegetarian diet
D.4.12. Discuss the significance of strength and endurance training on the recommended protein intake for male and female athletes.
- 16M.3.SL.tz0.14b: Discuss the implications of training on the recommended protein intake for athletes.