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2.11 Market failure—market power (HL only)




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Sub sections and their related questions

2.11.1 Perfect competition–many firms, free entry, homogeneous products

2.11.2 Monopoly—single or dominant firm, high barriers to entry, no close substitutes


2.11.3 Imperfect competition: Oligopoly; Monopolistic competition

2.11.4 Rational producer behaviour—profit maximization

2.11.5 Degrees of market power

2.11.6 Monopoly

2.11.7 Oligopoly

2.11.8 Monopolistic competition

2.11.9 Advantages of large firms having significant market power

2.11.10 Risks in markets dominated by one or a few very large firms

2.11.11 Government intervention in response to abuse of significant market power