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Date May 2019 Marks available 2 Reference code 19M.3.HL.TZ1.15
Level Higher level Paper Paper 3 Time zone 1
Command term Suggest Question number 15 Adapted from N/A


Outline how ultrasound, in a medical context, is produced.


Suggest the advantage in medical diagnosis of using ultrasound of frequency 1 MHz rather than 0.1 MHz.


Ultrasound can be used to measure the dimensions of a blood vessel. Suggest why a B scan is preferable to an A scan for this application.



mention of AC voltage OR to piezo-electric crystal ✔

crystal vibrates «at its resonant frequency» ✔


1 MHz waves have shorter wavelength than 0.1 MHz ✔

can probe smaller size areas of organs/have higher resolution ✔


a B scan is a computer generated combination of a large number of A scans ✔

allowing a measurement in different directions/two dimensional image ✔


Examiners report

Production of ultrasound. This is not well known by many candidates. Quite a high number wrote generally correct information or statements about ultrasound, but these were not related or well considered responses directed to the question, for example, “use of gel in ultrasound medical applications”.


In (b) the higher resolution was mentioned by only the best candidates. Some candidates mentioned the notion of “smaller penetration at higher frequencies” – correct, though again not well related to what the question was asking.


Part c) was also difficult to answer for most of the candidates.


Syllabus sections

Option C: Imaging » Option C: Imaging (Additional higher level option topics) » C.4 – Medical imaging (HL only)
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Option C: Imaging » Option C: Imaging (Additional higher level option topics)
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