Date | May 2019 | Marks available | 1 | Reference code | 19M.3.HL.TZ2.17 |
Level | Higher level | Paper | Paper 3 | Time zone | 2 |
Command term | Show that | Question number | 17 | Adapted from | N/A |
An ultrasound A-scan is performed on a patient.
The graph shows a received signal incident upon a transducer to produce an A-scan. The density of the soft tissue being examined is approximately 1090 kg m-3.
State one advantage and one disadvantage of using ultrasound imaging in medicine compared to using x-ray imaging.
Suggest why ultrasound gel is necessary during an ultrasound examination.
Ultrasound of intensity 50 mW m-2 is incident on a muscle. The reflected intensity is 10 mW m-2. Calculate the relative intensity level between the reflected and transmitted signals.
The acoustic impedance of soft tissue is 1.65 × 106 kg m-2 s-1. Show that the speed of sound in the soft tissue is approximately 1500 m s–1.
Estimate, using data from the graph, the depth of the organ represented by the dashed line.
In the ultrasound scan the frequency is chosen so that the distance between the transducer and the organ is at least 200 ultrasound wavelengths. Estimate, based on your response to (b)(ii), the minimum ultrasound frequency that is used.
A physician has a range of frequencies available for ultrasound. Comment on the use of higher frequency sound waves in an ultrasound imaging study.
Advantage of ultrasound compared to X-rays:
no exposure to radiation
relatively harmless
can be performed in a doctor’s office
can be used to measure blood flow rate
Video image possible <<eg heart, foetus>> ✔
Accept any reasonable advantage.
limited resolution
difficulty imaging lungs or gastrointestinal system
difficulty imaging any body part with a gas in it ✔
Accept any reasonable disadvantage.
Do not allow answers that contradict each other.
gel has similar Z to skin
gel prevents acoustic mismatch ✔
without gel much ultrasound is reflected at skin
gel increases ultrasound transmission ✔
«ms–1» ✔
Answer 1500 is given, check working or look for at least 3 significant figures.
4.5 × 10−2 «m»✔
«m» ✔
«Hz» ✔
«compared to lower frequencies, higher frequencies»
have better resolution ✔
have greater attenuation ✔
used for superficial structures/organs ✔
have greater heating effect ✔
Award [0] for contradictory comments or for any incorrect comment
Examiners report
The question was well answered by almost all candidates.
Most candidates mentioned that the gel improves the transmission of ultrasound. On quite a few occasions candidates seemed to confuse acoustic impedance and refractive index.
The question was generally well answered with a few candidates simply taking the ratio of intensities instead of 10x log ratio (Intensity level)
Almost all candidates managed to obtain the result given.
Many candidates did not seem to know how to start answering the question. The factor of two was often omitted when finding the depth of the organ in the A scan.
Few candidates managed to understand how to approach the problem and to obtain the correct answer. ECF from bii was frequently need.
Most candidates mentioned that the resolution would be better at higher frequencies.