DP History Questionbank

Rise of the Zulu under Shaka; the Mfecane/Difaqane—social, political and economic causes and effects; rise of the Sotho under Moshoeshoe
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[N/A]Directly related questions
- 17M.3op1.HL.TZ0.11: Discuss the factors that contributed to the rise of the Zulu Kindgom.
Discuss the social, economic and political causes of the Mfecane/Difaqane.
- 21N.3op1.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the importance of social and political organization to the rise of the Sotho.
- 18N.3op1.HL.TZ0.11: Evaluate the effects of the Mfecane/Difaqane.
- 22M.3op1.HL.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast the rise of the Zulu under Shaka and the Sotho under Moshoeshoe.
- 19M.3op1.HL.TZ0.11: “Social factors were the most significant cause of the rise of the Zulu kingdom.” Discuss.