DP Geography Questionbank

Analysis of risk
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Examine the relationships between the degree of risk posed by a hazard and the probability of a hazard event occurring, the predicted losses and a community’s preparedness for it.
Explain the reasons why individuals and communities often underestimate the probability of hazard events occurring.
Discuss the factors that determine an individual’s perception of the risk posed by hazards.
Directly related questions
Analyse why communities may underestimate the probability of a hazard event occurring.
Explain three reasons why communities may underestimate the probability of a major hazard event occurring in the area in which they live.
Suggest three factors that might affect an individual’s perception of the risk posed by tectonic hazards.
Suggest two reasons why individuals and communities may underestimate the probability of a severe drought occurring in the region in which they live.
Describe what is meant by hazard risk.