DP Geography Questionbank

Management issues and strategies
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[N/A]Directly related questions
- .2.bp.1ai: State the year when the highest sediment load occurred.
- .2.bp.1aii: State the volume of sediment load in that year at Huangzhang.
Identify three ways in which the load of a river is transported and briefly describe one of these ways
Referring to the map and graphs, explain how the construction of the Danjiangkou Dam affected sediment loads along the Han River.
Describe the trend in water shortage between 1990 and 2015 shown on the graph.
- .2.bp.2b: Suggest possible reasons for the changes in supply between 1990 and 2015 shown on the graph.
- .2.bp.2d: Referring to one or more examples, examine the environmental effects of ground water abstraction...
Suggest one physical reason and one human reason why the risk of a river flooding can change over time.
(i) State one component of agricultural run-off that contributes to the eutrophication of lakes and wetlands.
(ii) Suggest two impacts of eutrophication that can have adverse effects for people.
To what extent are floodplain landforms the result of river deposition?
(i) Define the term wetland area.
(ii) Describe the pattern of wetland areas shown on the map.
Compare the effectiveness of alternative stream management strategies, other than dams.
Outline two environmental problems that may occur downstream from multi-purpose dams.
Discuss the positive and negative hydrological impacts of dam and reservoir construction.
Briefly outline two processes of river erosion.
Explain how irrigation can lead to salinization.
Explain two consequences of salinization for farmers.
Explain the formation of two landforms on a river floodplain.
Discuss the environmental consequences of eutrophication and the pollution of aquifers.
Explain three possible ways people may modify a river channel to increase the flow of water.
To what extent has the management of one major wetland area been successful?
Examine the environmental impacts of agriculture on water quality.
Explain two hydrological changes that may result from the construction of a dam in an area such as the Sagarmatha National Park.
Sub sections and their related questions
Dams and reservoirs
- .2.bp.1ai: State the year when the highest sediment load occurred.
- .2.bp.1aii: State the volume of sediment load in that year at Huangzhang.
Referring to the map and graphs, explain how the construction of the Danjiangkou Dam affected sediment loads along the Han River.
Outline two environmental problems that may occur downstream from multi-purpose dams.
Discuss the positive and negative hydrological impacts of dam and reservoir construction.
Explain two hydrological changes that may result from the construction of a dam in an area such as the Sagarmatha National Park.
Groundwater management
Describe the trend in water shortage between 1990 and 2015 shown on the graph.
- .2.bp.2b: Suggest possible reasons for the changes in supply between 1990 and 2015 shown on the graph.
- .2.bp.2d: Referring to one or more examples, examine the environmental effects of ground water abstraction...
Freshwater wetland management
(i) Define the term wetland area.
(ii) Describe the pattern of wetland areas shown on the map.
To what extent has the management of one major wetland area been successful?
Irrigation and agriculture
- .2.bp.2d: Referring to one or more examples, examine the environmental effects of ground water abstraction...
(i) State one component of agricultural run-off that contributes to the eutrophication of lakes and wetlands.
(ii) Suggest two impacts of eutrophication that can have adverse effects for people.
Explain how irrigation can lead to salinization.
Explain two consequences of salinization for farmers.
Discuss the environmental consequences of eutrophication and the pollution of aquifers.
Examine the environmental impacts of agriculture on water quality.
Floodplain management
Identify three ways in which the load of a river is transported and briefly describe one of these ways
Suggest one physical reason and one human reason why the risk of a river flooding can change over time.
To what extent are floodplain landforms the result of river deposition?
Compare the effectiveness of alternative stream management strategies, other than dams.
Briefly outline two processes of river erosion.
Explain the formation of two landforms on a river floodplain.
Explain three possible ways people may modify a river channel to increase the flow of water.