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Date May 2017 Marks available 10 Reference code 17M.2.bp.14
Level SL and HL Paper 2 Time zone
Command term Examine Question number 14 Adapted from N/A


Explain two strengths and one weakness of one named city’s attempt to reduce urban pollution.


Examine the effects of the movement of economic activity to derelict land such as brownfield sites.



Award [1] for each strength/weakness and a [1] for further development/exemplification of each.

Responses may focus on air pollution but could also focus on water, soil, noise pollution, or waste and litter problems in urban areas.

In awarding marks – there is no mark for the strategy (eg planting trees), but [1] for each strength/weakness and [1] for development.

For example: Strength: In Beijing the planting of trees has reduced pollution by intercepting dust [1] and provided shade for cyclists [1].

Weakness: Replacing buses and old taxis was expensive [1] and there were economic losses when factories were closed [1].

Other strategies may include:

• public transport
• bus lanes
• cycle lanes
• subsidies for public transport
• mass transport schemes.

Award maximum [4] if no city named.


Economic activity includes retailing, services and manufacturing. This includes new economic activity and relocated economic activity.

Derelict sites and brownfield sites include abandoned and under-used industrial buildings and land that may be contaminated but has potential for redevelopment.

The movement of economic activity to derelict land may have many positive effects, such as job creation, investment in infrastructure, new buildings and services, increased tax base and spending in the local area (positive multiplier
effect), in-migration of wealthy, young people (gentrification), etc.

Negative impacts include an increase in congestion and pollution related to construction (short-term), increasing land prices, increasing social inequalities, cost of cleaning contaminated land/making it safe for use for economic activity.

Good answers will show an understanding that there are positive and negative impacts occurring. Some developments may be large-scale (eg London 2012 Olympic Site) while others are small-scale (gentrification in Woodstock, Cape Town). Some impacts may be short-term, others long-term. The overall effects may depend on the city involved, the amount of government investment, the amount of private investment, its accessibility, the type of economic activity.

At band D, expect a description of some effects of the movement of economic activity to derelict land/ brownfield sites.

At band E, expect either a detailed explanation of the movement of economic activity to derelict land/ brownfield sites or a structured examination of different kinds of impact (may include different perspectives) and any interrelations between them.

At band F, expect both of these elements.

Marks should be allocated according to the markbands.


Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Optional themes » Option G: Urban environments » Urban land use » Areas of economic activity
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