DP Psychology Questionbank

Problems in sports
Discuss athlete response to stress and chronic injury (for example, stress‑based model, grief reaction response, relaxation techniques).
Examine reasons for using drugs in sport.
Discuss effects of drug use in sport.
Compare models of causes and prevention of burnout (for example, cognitive‑affective stress model, negative training stress model, investment model).
Directly related questions
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Discuss two or more reasons for using drugs in sport.
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.14:
Discuss two or more effects of drug use in sport.
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Discuss athlete response to chronic injury.
18M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Sport psychology
Discuss one or more models/theories of burnout in sport.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Examine two or more reasons for using drugs in sport.
Sub sections and their related questions
Discuss athlete response to stress and chronic injury
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Discuss athlete response to chronic injury.
Examine reasons for using drugs in sport
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Discuss two or more reasons for using drugs in sport.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Examine two or more reasons for using drugs in sport.
Discuss effects of drug use in sport
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.14:
Discuss two or more effects of drug use in sport.
Compare models of causes and prevention of burnout
18M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.15:
Sport psychology
Discuss one or more models/theories of burnout in sport.