DP Psychology Questionbank

Describe stressors.
Discuss physiological, psychological and social aspects of stress.
Evaluate strategies for coping with stress (for example, stress inoculation therapy, hardiness training, yoga and meditation).
Directly related questions
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Evaluate two strategies for coping with stress.
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.07:
Discuss social and/or psychological aspects of stress.
18M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Health psychology
Discuss physiological and/or social aspects of stress.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Discuss one or more strategies for coping with stress.
Sub sections and their related questions
Describe stressors
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Discuss one or more strategies for coping with stress.
Discuss physiological, psychological and social aspects of stress
17N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.07:
Discuss social and/or psychological aspects of stress.
18M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Health psychology
Discuss physiological and/or social aspects of stress.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Discuss one or more strategies for coping with stress.
Evaluate strategies for coping with stress
17M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Evaluate two strategies for coping with stress.
18N.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.7:
Discuss one or more strategies for coping with stress.