DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Questionbank

4.3.6. Label anatomical representations of levers.
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[N/A]Directly related questions
What is an example of a first-class lever?
A. Triceps contracting, moving the elbow
B. Biceps contracting, moving the elbow
C. Quadriceps contracting, moving the knee
D. Hamstrings contracting, moving the knee
- 21N.1.HL:.tz0.14: When the forearm acts as a first-class lever to extend the elbow, which muscle acts as the effort...
The diagram shows a volleyball player serving right-handed. Which is an example of a first-class lever during the acceleration phase of the serve?
[Source: 4x6/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images.]
A. Extension of the right elbow
B. Flexion of the left elbow
C. Plantar flexion of the right ankle
D. Extension of the left knee
Levers are working throughout the body when a basketball player performs a jump shot. Where is the effort applied in the lower right leg?
The diagram shows the lower leg.
Identify the elements A, B and C of the lever system.
The diagram shows elbow extension. Which type of lever is used?
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. No lever is used during elbow extension