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Date May 2021 Marks available 4 Reference code 21M.2.SL.tz0.7
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone time zone 0
Command term Discuss Question number 7 Adapted from N/A


The soccer player David Beckham could bend the path of a ball through the air in order to deceive a goalkeeper and score a goal.

Discuss the Bernoulli principle with respect to the ball’s flight during a free kick.


Using examples, outline Newton’s three laws of motion during a soccer match.


Using examples, describe two different types of practice that a coach can use to improve skill performance.


A football coach is trying to maximize the performance of the individuals in the team.

Discuss factors that will contribute to the players’ different rates of learning.



if a footballer can apply spin to the ball it will change the way it moves through the air ✔

the ball rotating will experience high pressure on one side of the ball/low pressure on the other side of the ball ✔

the high pressure side will result in low velocity ✔

low pressure side will have high velocity ✔

the ball will move towards the side with the low pressure / high velocity ✔

the curved movement of the ball is caused by the magnus effect ✔

Accept MPs on a correctly annotated diagram.


First law:
a body will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion <in a straight line> unless acted upon by an external or internal force / law of inertia ✔

at the start of the game or during a penalty the ball is placed on a particular spot and is stationary with balanced forces until the player strikes it ✔

Second law:
when a force acts on a mass, the result is acceleration of that mass/F=ma

when the ball is struck by the players’ foot in a penalty the player applies a force to ball which causes the ball to accelerate toward the goal ✔

Third law:
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ✔

the player applying a force to the ball has an equal and opposite force applied back to them ✔

the differences in the apparent accelerations of the ball compared to the player are due to the differences in mass between the ball and the player ✔

Award [2 max] per law; [1] for the law, [1] for the example.

Accept an example from any type of football.

Accept all appropriate examples.


practice is interspersed with breaks which can either be rest or practising another skill ✔

e.g. players having a walking recovery break after completing a short hard sprinting task dribbling the ball at high speed ✔

practising a skill without breaks ✔

e.g. players playing a continuous game of one touch passing in a 3 vs 3 situation for an extended period of time ✔

specific movement patterns are practiced repeatedly / in a controlled way ✔

e.g. a coach setting up cones for players to dribble around and practising the skill going up and back then passing to the next player who repeats the task ✔

practising a skill in a variety of different contexts attempting to experience the full range of situations in which the technique or tactic might be used ✔

e.g. dribbling the ball without cones, then dribbling with cones as obstacles, then dribbling with stationary people, then dribbling with opponents who are looking to tackle you ✔

mental practice where the performer runs through the performance in their mind ✔

e.g. watching a video of the task / listening or reading instructions about the task / using mental imagery to imagine yourself completing the task ✔

Award [2 max] for each:
[1] for type, [1] for explanation.


physical maturation:
how physically matured are the players / do they have the stamina / strength / speed / power to perform the tasks expected ✔

if they are unable to perform the tasks because they are physically too difficult then this will hamper learning ✔

e.g. can they kick the ball with enough force for it to complete the task set ✔

physical fitness:
fitness / motor skills competence / ability of the players will impact on whether they are able to practice and learn skills that are set / if they are not fit / competent / do not have the ability, players will not be able to complete drills and practice tasks to improve ✔

e.g. an unfit player will quickly fatigue and not be able to focus on the set task such as one touch ball retention drill and the task cannot be completed / practised ✔

the style of coaching can determine whether the players will learn effectively ✔

e.g. a dictatorial coach may hinder the players’ ability to apply skills when they play the game as the players have to make decisions by themselves in a fluid / game situation ✔

e.g. a coach who only provides negative feedback may turn players off from being involved ✔

age of players can affect their experience / physical maturation / mental ability to understand and apply tactics ✔

younger players may pick skills up quickly and be uninhibited by previously-learnt poor techniques ✔

older players may pick up skills more quickly as they have the ability to adapt and apply previously-learnt skills ✔

difficulty of task:
a difficult task may be physically difficult or complex in application / could put performers off trying ✔
the simpler the task the easier it should be to learn ✔

e.g. passing the ball along the ground with the inside of the foot is a simple task and can be quickly learnt, compared to other more complex tasks such as heading the ball ✔

teaching environment:
this can determine the opportunities that there are for practice ✔

e.g. is there enough equipment to maximise time practising ✔

a highly motivated player will persevere during difficult tasks / times until they have mastered the task ✔

Award [2] max per factor.


Examiners report

Students generally understand that there is high pressure on one side of the ball and low on the other but in this scenario, they believed that it was above and below rather than left or right.


Generally answered well.


Most could get marks for one type, but they could not provide an alternative.


Generally answered well.


Syllabus sections

Topic 4: Movement analysis » 4.3. Fundamentals of biomechanics » 4.3.12. Outline the Bernoulli principle with respect to projectile motion in sporting activities.
Topic 4: Movement analysis » 4.3. Fundamentals of biomechanics
Topic 4: Movement analysis

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