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Date May 2022 Marks available 6 Reference code 22M.1.SL.TZ0.2
Level Standard level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Explain Question number 2 Adapted from N/A


Refer to the Peacewick University case study (SL/HL paper 1 May 2022).

Outline two steps that Adriana should take if she decides to dismiss the head of the Faculty of History, Jim (lines 89–100).


Explain strategies, in addition to redundancies, that PU could use to solve its cash-flow problems (lines 56–59).



Two steps include:

Accept any other relevant step, as long as they apply to what Adriana would need to do if she decides to dismiss Jim. Non-procedural steps can also be rewarded such as the department review.

Mark as a [2] + [2].

Award [1] for each appropriate step and [1] for application of each step. Maximum award, for two steps: [4].


Refer to Paper 1 markbands for 2016 forward, available under the "Your tests" tab > supplemental materials.

Strategies include:

Accept any other relevant strategy, or methods mentioned as part of an overall strategy.

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for 2016 forward section A.

Award a maximum of [3] for a theoretical answer or for limiting answer to only one strategy.

Award a maximum of [5] if the answer is mainly descriptive but in context.

Award a maximum of [6].


Examiners report

Many candidates wrote good answers, though examiners noticed that some rephrased it. Instead of outlining the steps that Adriana should take to dismiss the head of the Faculty of History, they decided to outline the steps that Adriana should take to recruit a new head. As noted many times before, candidates must answer the question asked, not the one they would like to see or rehearsed in class.


Many candidates wrote good answers, explaining a range of relevant, realistic strategies to solve cash-flow problems, with good ideas to increase cash inflows and to decrease cash outflows. A small number of candidates answered a slightly different question solely about sources of finance: of course, short-term sources of finance may be appropriate, but the question was about cash-flow management more broadly, not just about sources of finance.


Syllabus sections

Last exams 2023 » Unit 3: Finance and accounts » 3.7 Cash flow » The following strategies for dealing with cash flow problems: reducing cash outflow, improving cash inflows, looking for additional finance
Last exams 2023 » Unit 3: Finance and accounts » 3.7 Cash flow
Last exams 2023 » Unit 3: Finance and accounts
Last exams 2023

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