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Date November 2017 Marks available 2 Reference code 17N.1.SL.TZ0.4
Level Standard level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Explain Question number 4 Adapted from N/A


Some teachers have complained that Mrs K is too strict and treats them like students. These teachers want more freedom in choosing what to do in their lessons. However, other teachers like the certainty and clear instructions they receive at the weekly staff meetings and appreciate that Mrs K takes a close interest in everything they do. Mrs K makes all the day-to-day decisions at the school, and sometimes would like more guidance from Jacob, but she is pleased that he makes all the strategic decisions.

Jacob has delegated the day-to-day running of the school to Mrs K. Whenever he meets the staff at the school he likes to listen and he wants to learn about what challenges them in their work. The teachers and management want to help Jacob achieve his vision for the school. He is very effective at negotiating with external organizations and promoting the school, and is the main force for innovation and change.

Jacob has undertaken further market research into what families living in Dodoma want from a school. He used a convenience sampling method that involved talking to friends and relatives.

Jacob is concerned with cash flow. Although the school year starts in January, fees are not collected until April, the time when local people traditionally have higher incomes. At the moment all purchases are made in cash. Table 1 shows the latest cash-flow forecast for the next six months.

Define the term economies of scale (line 36).


Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for Jacob of using convenience sampling.


Calculate the value of X and the value of Y in Table 1.


With reference to Table 1, explain one way in which MSS could improve cash flow.


Discuss the differences in leadership style between Jacob and Mrs K.



The reduction in average costs that result from an increase in the scale of production.

Candidates are not expected to word their definition exactly as above.

Award [2] for a complete definition.

Award [1] for some understanding of economies of scale, eg no reference to average costs.



Advantages: Cheap method, and he’s concerned with cash flow, easy – can he spare teachers’ time spent on this?

Disadvantages: Biased, might ask wrong people, difficult to focus, sample may not represent people in Dodoma.

Award [1] for an advantage and award a second mark if the advantage is put into context.

Award [1] for a disadvantage and award a second mark if the disadvantage is put into context.


X = 21 + 5 − 5 − 4 = 17
   = 17 − 11 = 6

Y = 11 − 5 − 3 − 5 = −2

Award [1] for each correct answer.

Accept 6000 and −2000

Accept the presence or absence of unit

Note: negative results may also be presented in brackets, so accept (2) and (2000) in the sense −2 and −2000


Two possibilities:

Do not credit “seek more donations” or “more promotion/marketing”.

Award [1] for a method to improve cash flow and [1] for applying this method to MSS.


Jacob: Seems to delegate. Good at listening and learning, and gains loyalty from his staff. Fulfils role as a negotiator and is the main force for change. These fit in well with management roles with interpersonal, informational and decisional features. Shows traits of democratic and Theory Y.

Mrs K: Seems to be autocratic, with a Theory X approach. Focuses on day-today decisions rather than strategy, so is more of a manager than a leader. Limited in terms of management roles.

The question asks for a discussion of the difference between the two leadership styles. It is not enough to only describe, explain or evaluate Jacob’s leadership style then Mrs K’s leadership style one after the other.

Accept reasonable alternative answers.

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for May 2016 forward, section B.

Award a maximum of [4] for a purely theoretical answer or with no effective use of case material.

Award a maximum of [6] if both people are considered but there is limited discussion of the differences between the two styles.

For full marks both people should be considered, data used effectively, and a clear discussion drawn based on theories.


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