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Date May 2019 Marks available 1 Reference code 19M.1.HL.TZ2.21
Level Higher level Paper Paper 1 Time zone 2
Command term Question number 21 Adapted from N/A


A train approaches a station and sounds a horn of constant frequency and constant intensity. An observer waiting at the station detects a frequency fobs and an intensity Iobs. What are the changes, if any, in Iobs and fobs as the train slows down?



Examiners report

An unusual way of considering the Doppler effect, this had a very low discrimination index with the most popular answer A when D was correct. It is likely the candidates have confused what the train is producing – a constant intensity sound – and what the observer hears, Io, where the intensity is going to increase as the train approaches. This immediately eliminates options A and C.

Syllabus sections

Additional higher level (AHL) » Topic 9: Wave phenomena » 9.5 – Doppler effect
Additional higher level (AHL) » Topic 9: Wave phenomena
Additional higher level (AHL)

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